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the walk was completely silent, a thick tension surrounding ethan and i as the dark night sky engulfed us. the only sound to be heard as we walked was the wind sweeping through the air, making my hair dance above my head, and ethan's fall down onto his forehead messily.

i kept sneaking a few glances over at the boy, my eyes taking in his appearance subtly. he was looking down at the ground in disappointment, his lip slightly cut up, and his face grazed. even in the worst of situations i still found him stunning, everything about him was.

he had a heart of pure gold, one which absolutely nothing, could change. he would always remain the most amazing person i'd ever met, no matter what happened, or no matter who got in the way.

i heard ethan let out a breath of relief when we reached our destination, the bridge.
it was the only place i could go where i would feel sane, where ethan could also feel completely safe, and content. it's ironic, really, considering that the two of us both came here to this bridge for the same reason.

we remained silent as we sat down in our usual spot, looking up at the stars.
they were rather dull, each and every one of them, not glowing to their full potential. however one stuck out in particular, shining an awful lot brighter than the rest. ethan was watching it, his hands resting in his lap as he stared up at the beautiful star.
ethan was that star. he was my, shining star.
the only shining thing, in my life.

" thank you "
ethan's words knocked me out of my thoughts, making my head snap into his direction. he was already looking at me, his bruised eye fixated on my own.
" thank you for making me realise that i do have a purpose in life "

my heart skipped a beat when he said this, though all i did was place my hand on his, intertwining our fingers.
" you don't have to thank me, eth- "
" i do " he interrupted me, his voice
full of seriousness.
i stayed quiet, looking down at the water below us, as i swayed my feet a little over the edge,
making me shiver.
" you didn't have to fight daniel " i eventually spoke up, grabbing his attention.
i knew ethan was about to tell me that he did, but before he could, i spoke again.
" ethan, he's going to do something... he won't stop until he gets what he wants, and- "
i began rambling, my eyes turning glossy with tears, as my voice grew continuously squeakier, filled with weakness.
" he deserved it, molly. he could've fucking raped you.. and he hit you, for god's sake! he deserves prison, if anything! "

the sudden raise of voice when ethan said this startled me, making my heart sink.
i knew daniel deserved it, but where do we go from here? it wasn't going to end well, and i didn't want to see it happen.

ethan realised that he'd scared me slightly as he let out a breath, and scooted a little closer to me. his arm snaked around my waist, allowing my head to fall against his shoulder comfortably.
" i-i'm sorry, mol... i just, i-i don't know " he sighed, his hand reaching up towards my hair, as he began running his hand through it gently.

my eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, a wave of calm washing over me. ethan was the only person who could ever make me feel loved, wanted, and at ease, and i didn't know how.

" i just hate that he's hurt you... b-because you deserve so much more "
when ethan said this i felt a small smile curve up onto my lips, one of pure admiration.
i admired ethan, i really did. he was a remarkable human being, even if he didn't think so himself.
" you deserve someone who would never hurt you, mol... i-i would never hurt you " he told me, his eyes piercing holes through my orbs.
my cheeks turned slightly pink at his words, my eyes glancing down at his hand which was holding my own, fitting perfectly together.
as if it were meant to be.

" i promise you, ill never hur- "
ethan's voice cracked slightly as he spoke, his eyes watery, as if he were on the verge of tears.
i felt a large pang in my chest at the sight, my heart beating an inhuman rate as i pulled the boy into my arms. he seemed taken aback at first, though he relaxed into my hold, his embrace one i never wanted to remove myself from.

ethan made me feel like me. he made me feel as if there was nothing to worry about, and absolutely nothing to stop me from pursuing my dreams. and what did i want to pursue, exactly? i wanted to pursue a life with ethan, because i was beginning to realise that this boy meant a lot more to me, than i thought.

" i know you'd never hurt me, ethan " i mumbled into his chest, my arms wrapping around his torso, as the scent of his familiar cologne, engulfed me.

ethan suddenly pulled away from the hug, my arms remaining around his torso as his eyes scanned across my face, my cheeks turning rosy at the sight.
it was as if he were examining me, as his lips parted slightly, the boy sucking in a breath as he looked at me in awe.
i did the same to him, however. i simply looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes, many emotions flickering through them at once as if i were turning the pages of a book.

it was when ethan's hand reached up towards my cheek, the pad of his thumb trailing across my skin as he held me, his eyes still glued to my own. i was at a loss for words. all i could do was watch him, my heart skipping several beats at once as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
" molly " his voice came out hoarse and desperate, as his orbs went from my green eyes, to my lips.
his thumb left my cheek, and delicately trailed across my bottom lip. i knew what i wanted, more like what i needed, after all of this time. i could feel it, and it were obvious ethan felt it too.
i couldn't speak, and so all i did was nod, my hand resting on his knee as his tongue swiped across his lips, and his breathing increased.
" i-i need to do this "

as soon as the words left ethan's mouth, barely above a whisper, my heart began beating even faster, if possible. it felt as if i'd been waiting years for this to happen, especially when his eyes fluttered shut, and he began leaning closer. i let it happen, my own eyes closing as his hands cupped my cheeks, and his hot breath fanned against my skin.

i couldn't take it, i needed to feel it.
my body was craving his touch, every part of me was. i wanted to be with him in ways we never had before, because the way he got my heart beating, was like no other.

and so with that, i closed the small distance between us, finally.

his lips moulded with mine even more perfectly than i'd imagined, his soft plump lips working magic against my own.
the feeling rushing throughout my body was like no other, it felt amazing, he, was amazing.
it was as if the two of us were in a world of our own, with absolutely no interruptions this time. i never wanted the moment to end, ever.

my arms draped over ethan's shoulders as one of his his hands remained cupping my cheek, the other holding my jaw gently.
the butterflies in the pit of my stomach were finally set free, flying throughout my body. in fact, it wasn't just butterflies.
the electricity rushing throughout my veins was more like fire, and flames, as i felt his lips against my own for the first time.
we'd been wanting, dreaming, of this moment ever since we first met on this very bridge.

ethan pulled away from me, his eyes still closed as he rested his forehead against my own, the two of us catching our breath. my lips were tingling, tingling with the desire to feel what i just felt all over again, on repeat.

i wanted to feel the love i just experienced, forever, for the rest of my life. the love i had for ethan.
i was in love, with ethan.

i moved my hands from behind ethan's neck to his cheeks, attaching our lips once again, without hesitation. i felt the boy smile into the kiss, our noses bumping every so often, as the feeling erupted all over again. that feeling, will never get old.

" you don't know how long i've wanted
this, mol "
ethan mumbled against my lips, as i pulled away from the kiss, a grin threatening to grow on my now, swollen lips.
" you're perfect "

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