twenty three

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i walked along the bridge, the cold air
sweeping through my hair, sending goosebumps across my arms. i shivered at
the cold as i reached mine and ethan's spot, sitting down on the edge, and letting my legs hang over the edge.

i looked at the forest ahead of me,
memories of ethan and i's kiss last night flooding back to me, like a river. the sound of the water rushed beneath me, my eyes pealing down towards it, remaining there.
it was calming, just the sound of the water crashing against the rocks.

after what felt like hours, i looked down
at my phone in my hand.


it had been twenty seven minutes, and ethan had yet to show up.
usually he was the first here, just so that he could give me the most award winning smile as i arrived. but today, he wasn't.

i bit my lip to prevent it from trembling because of the cold, as i shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket, shivering.

he had to be coming, didn't he?

i kept telling myself that the boy was running late, until the numbers on my phone finally read seven pm. an hour had passed.

an hour of waiting alone, for no one.

with that, i finally gave up.
i got up from our little spot, dusting off my jeans as i began to walk back down the bridge, without the company of him beside me.

it felt weird, but he obviously had a reason.
he wouldn't just not show up, and even if he did, he could tell me why tomorrow night.

though something told me, that i had
my hopes set a bar too high.

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