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my hand hovered above the wooden door, a deep breath leaving my lips as i prepared to knock. i eventually built up the courage, and placed a few gentle knocks against the surface, the sound of footsteps heard on the other side.

it was pulled open nearly instantly, a draft of air hitting my face, as the boy i was looking forward to seeing stood in the doorway.
he took in my appearance subtly as he opened the door wider for me to enter, my cheeks turning crimson red under his gaze.

it was our first time hanging out normally, without meeting on a bridge first, and without it being dark out. the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping, with it being only eleven am here in jersey.
" where's lisa? " i asked, part of me really wanting to see the sweet lady again.
ethan looked back at me as he lead me up the stairs of his home, his eyes filled with fear, which i could tell he was holding back.
" at the hospital... she's just there for a checkup, the usual "
i nodded, hesitating as i intertwined our fingers, catching his attention like an alarm of some sort.
" she'll be fine, ethan.. she's strong " i smiled, the boy doing the same, nodding his head in response.
it was almost as if i'd given him every ounce of hope he needed, as he squeezed my hand that little bit tighter, and nodded again.
" i know she will "

" so, when will i be able to come over to your place? " ethan asked me with a smirk as the two of us laid on his bed, watching whatever show he'd decided to put on.
i couldn't even remember the name of it, since we hadn't been paying attention. the two of us had just been enjoying one another's company, as we usually did.
" probably never. my parents would crucify me if they saw me with a boy, let alone another boy " i sighed, my head falling onto his shoulder, as my arm draped across his stomach.

i'd completely forgotten about daniel.
ethan had the power to make me forget about all of my worries, and that was refreshing.
daniel hadn't been around for the past few days, and i was hoping it'd stay that way. he'd been busy with school and football, considering that he actually attends a public high school here in nj, unlike me, who's stuck at home.

ethan nodded, understanding everything i said. i wanted to be able to have him come around whenever i wanted, but it was nearly impossible. i'd just have to wait for a day where my mom and dad aren't home, which is rare, or sneak him into my room.
" you could just sneak me in through the window " ethan suggested, reading my mind.
i laughed, nodding my head with a slight eye roll, making him cackle.
" i'll see what i can do " was how i responded to the boy with a smile, looking up at him in admiration.

it was then that his bedroom door flung open, and our eyes snapped towards the doorway, where grayson was stood awkwardly.
" oh, sorry " he mumbled, looking at me with a smile " hey, molly "
i raised my hand, waving a little with a laugh.
ethan had told me all about how him and grayson were getting along great, like bestfriends again, in fact. it was amazing to hear, and i was beyond happy for him.

ethan's lips were folded into a straight line as he waited to hear what his brother had to say, most likely wanting for him to leave the two of us alone.
" do you guys want to come with me to grab some groceries? " he asked us, as ethan looked down at me for an answer.
the boy shrugged when he saw that i didn't mind, and stood up, readjusting his hoodie.
" yeah, sure "
with that, he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of his bedroom, and through his house, like an excited child.

i watched as ethan looked down at the list of paper that grayson had given him, most likely provided by lisa. the two of us searched he whole store for the specific cookies she wanted, only to find them right at the entrance.
" typical " ethan rolled his eyes as he pushed the shopping cart back towards grayson, with me walking by its side.
grayson was thinking, probably trying to calculate the prices, or think of what else they needed, as he soon snapped his fingers in realisation.
" ma's favourite cake, how could i forget " he mumbled, guiding us towards the cake section, where he crouched down, searching the shelves desperately.

ethan's eyes scanned across the money in his hands, a sigh of annoyance leaving his lips as he looked down at his brother.
" gray, we don't have enough " he announced, a frown forming on my face as i stood beside the two.
" but it's mom's favourite " grayson complained, looking down at the goods in his hands.
it wasn't on the list, but the two were just trying to treat their mother to her favourite food. the whole thing saddened me, really.
" which one? the cake or the juice and
biscuits? " he shrugged, both of them finally
making the decision to put the biscuits and juice back onto the shelf, in order to surprise their kind mother.

i sighed as they both began to walk off, pushing the shopping cart towards the cashiers. that was when i snatched the juice and biscuits back from the shelf, also grabbing the soda ethan had been looking at before hand.

i managed to slide it onto the till without the pair seeing, and also handed the lady working my money slyly, shoving the products into their shopping bags as they got piled up with all sorts of other things.
i breathed a sigh of relief as ethan and grayson paid for their things, took the bags, and began walking beside me out of the store, not a single suspicion in mind.

" how was it, ma? " ethan asked as he entered the house, pecking his mother's cheek when he saw her.
she looked taken aback by his actions, but smiled happily, looking into the shopping bags which the three of us had placed on the countertop for her.
" fine, actually. everything's coming along smoothly, a lot smoother than i expected! " she announced, my smile growing wider as i looked back at grayson, who was clearly over the moon at the news.
ethan was too, he looked beyond relieved.
" we couldn't get the juice and biscuits, but we got your cake " grayson announced, the woman swatting it off as if it were nothing.
" it's okay, boys. don't worry " she smiled at us, continuing to look through the bags, as we helped her unpack them into the fridge.
it was then that her playful voice spoke up, and she turned towards us with a grin.

" what happened to not getting the juice and biscuits, sweetie? "

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