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four months later.
[ play song when it says to! ]

i swallowed my nerves as i looked at the dark building, neon lights glowing in the window. it looked intimidating, but i was beyond excited to be doing this.

" you ready, mol? " ethan asked me, intertwining his fingers with mine, as he squeezed my hand for reassurance.
i was certain about this, we both were.
" as ready as i'll ever be "

my amazing boyfriend lead me through the entrance, his thumb stroking over my finger, in attempt of calming me down. it worked, though i had no clue why i was so nervous.

" hey, dom. this is molly, my- " ethan began,
looking at his friend with a grin, and looking back at me.
" the girlfriend you didn't stop talking about the last time you were here? i guessed " dom began, giving me a polite smile, as i blushed over his words. ethan talks about me? well what does he say?

" i'm dom, nice to meet you.
you nervous? " he asked me, as it
were probably obvious.
i nodded, laughing gently as i looked into the room behind us. the neon lighting filled the space, making me feel that little bit more at ease. it was such a pretty and mysterious looking place, and i loved it.
" it's my first tattoo, so yeah, a little "

i watched in awe as dom placed it against ethan's wrist, tattooing the small image against his skin instantly. it was going to be perfect, everything about it was meaningful to us both.

ethan didn't even break a sweat, he was fine. i didn't get how he did it, he didn't even look like he was in the slightest bit of pain.
" does it not hurt? " i laughed a little, leaning over to get a closer look at the tattoo, which was small, but amazing.
" meh, you get used to it after a while. you've seen all of my tats, mol " ethan smirked, looking down at his thigh which was covered in art, as my cheeks turned beat red.
" you're addicted " i grinned, shaking my head in amusement.
ethan nodded, shrugging his shoulders.
that was when a small smile curved up onto his lips, a toothy grin forming after. it was a beautiful sight, him being happy.

[ play song ]

ethan held my hand as i sat in the chair, watching as dom approached me with the blade. i was scared shitless, but i was more excited than anything, now.

as soon as it touched my skin i winced, my eyes squeezing shut as the pain was felt against my wrist. i heard ethan chuckle quietly from behind me, only making me open my eyes to scold the boy. i brought my free hand to his shoulder and slapped it playfully, making both ethan and dom laugh.

after a while, the agony subsided and i got used to the feeling. it definitely wasn't as bad as i'd thought, but then again, it was only small.

minutes past and dom had finished, his hand wiping over my arm with a wipe, before telling me i was all done. i instantly grinned before looking down at it for the first time, my heart beating out of my chest. it was perfect, but it got even better when ethan placed his wrist next to mine.

the two matching tattoo's of the place we met, the place we bonded, the place we turned to whenever we needed peace, the place we shared our first kiss, and the place where we saved one another's lives, brought a tear to my eye.

i looked up at ethan, who's eyes were also glossy at the thought of all we'd done together, and all we'd got through.
we were beyond in love with each other, i
wouldn't have had it turn out any other way.

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