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i climbed through the all too familiar window, a sigh leaving my lips. i didn't want to be here, in this shitty house. i wanted to be with ethan. whether that's at the bridge, or at his house.
as long as it's with him, then it's perfect.

i was pulled from my thoughts
when my bedroom door was pushed open, and i sucked in a breath out of nervousness. however, when i saw my maid, annie, i sighed in relief.
" where were you, molly? i was worried sick " she told me, her words making me smile.
she was probably the only person in this house who was worrying, and she's the maid!
" i'm guessing my parents aren't home since you called me molly " i raised an eyebrow, my words coming out as more of a question.
she nodded, still shutting the door behind her anyway, as she took a seat on my bed.
" where were you? " she repeated the question.
i didn't know what to say.
annie knew that i had no real friends, and if she did, she'd question when i met them, where i met them, and who they are.
" with a friend "

annie's eye's instantly grew wide as she clapped her hands in excitement.
" what's her name? "
i rolled my eyes at this, swallowed all of my fear, and shook my head.
" his name is ethan "
i smiled cheesily, unaware that the blush was rising to my cheeks as i spoke about him, until annie smirked.
" hmm, a boy? mrs adderley wouldn't be to fond of that " she commented.
" coming from the woman who sells her daughter off to some rich guy who's abusive " i rolled my eyes again, placing my chin in my hand.

it fell silent in the room, as annie stared at me, trying to figure me out. that was when she stood up, and began heading to the door, only to turn back to me one last time.
" i won't tell your parents... just keep it on the low, okay? "

i looked at the water surrounding me, splashing around gently, in attempt of making waves.
" how was school daniel? " my mother's voice sounded through the house, the name coming after making my heart drop.
" as good as public school gets, elizabeth " he told my mom, my heart rate speeding up like a race car as the pair's footsteps inched closer.
the two of them appeared in the back of the garden, and began walking towards the pool, where i was peacefully swimming. but not for long, at all.

" nadine "
my eyes snapped up to my mother's as she spoke, and i nodded my head.
i didn't want to listen to her high pitched and irritating voice right now, but i had to.
" go put on a bathing suit " she instructed with a stone cold glare.
my eyebrows furrowed when i heard this, and i glanced down at my body which was submerged in water, and in a pink bikini.
" why? i'm wearing a bikini " i shrugged, not aware of what she were trying to do.
that was until she cockily smirked, a scoff leaving her lips as she glanced down at my bare stomach.
" and you're nearly bursting out of it.
go change "
the smirk on daniel's face appeared as my mother said this, and i felt my heart begin thumping harder, my eyes prickling with tears.

so i did what she said.
i stood up, and headed up to my bedroom.
but instead of changing into the bathing suit, i changed into some black leggings and a hoodie, before flopping onto my cosy bed. i had no intent of going back out there, and so i waited patiently for the time to read six pm, so that i could climb out of my window, and meet with ethan.

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