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ethan's pov.

i laid wide awake, staring up at the ceiling. it was one am, and i wanted nothing more than to get up off of the floor, and climb into my bed... and not because it was a cosy, warm, and comfortable bed.

i wanted to, because fast asleep, cuddled into the duvet and pillows, was molly.
her red hair was sprawled out above her, her face pressed against the soft cushion, and her lips slightly parted. even in the most strange and unflattering angles, she somehow managed to look like the most beautiful girl, i'd ever laid eyes on.

but that's exactly what she was.

i was knocked out of my daydream when the sound of the front door closing made me sit up straight, and countless thoughts began rushing through my mind.
i took one last look at molly before i closed my bedroom door, and tiptoed down the stairs, not wanting to wake my mom. she was always tired, and i didn't want to alarm her.

however, when i turned the corner to see grayson stood by the fridge, with a large carton of milk close to his lips, i let out a breath of relief.
he noticed my presence when his eyes snapped into my direction, and he finished chugging our only milk, but still held it in his hand.
" so that's why my milk's always gone in the
mornings " i commented with an eye roll, ready to turn around and head back up to my room.
that was until my idiot of a brother spoke back, of course.
" your milk? first of all, it's not just yours, and second of all... it's a carton of milk, for god's sake "
i scoffed out loud at this, my eyebrows furrowing as i stared at the boy in disbelief.
" you know, there is a reason that the two of us have jobs, grayson... because we have no money! " i whisper yelled, tempted to snatch the milk from his hand.

i didn't want to argue at this time in the morning, and so i gave him one last dirty look.
" what happened to you, ethan? " he suddenly asked, my heart dropping to my toes as i froze in my spot.
it was almost as if he knew that he'd caught me off guard when he began walking towards me, placing the milk down against the counter top an awful lot harder than he had to.
" what happened to us? "
i shook my head, ready to deny whatever he said, just like i usually do. even if it's the truth.
" i don't know what you- "
" of course you don't, ethan " grayson began, crossing his arms against his chest in attempt of intimidating me.
" it was meant to be me and you, e... me and you taking it on together " grayson's arms dropped to his sides and his voice nearly broke as he said this, something which shocked me.
i could feel my eyes prickling with tears as he continued, though i held them back.
" when mom was diagnosed, and when dad left, you... you just gave up. you quit youtube out of nowhere, left me to handle everything on my own, and you hardly even talk to mom anymore! "
i jumped a little when he raised his voice, and the calm look that once rested on his face flew out of the window.
" she fucking needs her son right now, ethan! and you just hide away in your room... or go out late at night- "
i cut him off before he could even finish, and before i could even think about what i was saying.
" do you really wanna know where i go late at night, grayson? "
the words that left my mouth shocked myself. i had no clue what i was doing, and no clue what i was saying, but the anger that had been held inside for far too long was ready to come pouring out, by the flick of a switch.

he has a better way of coping with things. i just need more time, that's all.
my brother could never accept that.

grayson shook his head and let out a laugh, one of annoyance, if possible.
i couldn't even stop myself before i was up close to him, my jaw clenched and my hands grabbing the material of his shirt. i pushed him back against the wall harshly, my breathing heavy as i looked up at my startled brother, who was not expecting that at all.
" i was at a fucking bridge, grayson! i was going to jump, but then- then she stopped me! "

the shocked look on grayson's face only grew into one of sadness and disbelief as he heard me, his muscles softening and his eyes turning glossy within seconds. he was speechless, completely unaware that i'd been feeling this way for so long.
" i pushed you, and mom away... and i'm sorry- but i just need more time, whenever i look at mom i just... i feel like i'll blink, and she'll be gone... " that was all i managed to say before i broke down, a sob leaving my lips as the tears began streaming down my cheeks.

i thought grayson was going to push me away, and tell me to get a grip. but instead, his arms enveloped me, and he wrapped me in a hug, our chests heaving up and down as the two of us cried onto one another's shoulders, regretting all we'd said, and all that we hadn't said, to one another over the past year.
the truth was, i'd missed my brother. even if i was only just realising it now.
" don't do that again, e... promise me " grayson sniffled, pulling away from me to look me in the eyes, red and teary.

i couldn't promise that.
it was impossible, i was impossible.

however, as soon as i thought back to the girl laying in my bed, the girl who saved me, and the girl who gets my heart skipping several beats all at once... i found myself nodding my head.
" i promise " i said, a smile breaking out onto my brothers face as he let out another cry, wiping under his eyes with the back of his hand.
that was when i shook my head, the words leaving my mouth naturally, almost as naturally as my happiness seems to come, when i'm with her.
" as long as i have molly "

molly's pov.

when the bedroom door creaked open, the light from the small hallway followed. in came ethan, sniffling, and it was clear that everything i thought i had heard, was correct.
" ethan " i squeaked out, watching as he stopped dead in his tracks, and turned towards me.
he must've thought i was still asleep, but i wasn't. i woke up as soon as he left the room, and heard every single word, and
every single cry.
" molly "
he tried to play it cool, but i knew he was on the verge of tears once again, as his voice was shaky.

i didn't hesitate before lifting up the duvet, and smiling a little, even though he couldn't see me in the dark.
" ethan, come here " i told him, watching as he instantly made his way towards the bed, and climbed in beside me.
he didn't do anything except lay on his back and stare up at the ceiling, as i laid on my side, watching him, my heart breaking into two.

that was when he suddenly pulled me into his chest, his arms wrapping around my waist, and his face nuzzling into the crook of my neck. it sent goosebumps all over my body, and made a smile curve up onto my lips, as well as his.

this was what i needed.
this was who i needed.

" thank you "

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