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it was another night here in new jersey, and i found myself climbing out of my window, yet again. i hoped to see ethan. he was comforting, and it was nice to be able to talk to someone who understood.

i slowly walked up along the bridge, my hands stuffing into my pockets, as i shivered under the cold. i didn't even know if he was coming, but when someone's presence joined me on the railing, i knew he'd arrived.
" hey " ethan smiled shyly, running a hand through his brown locks.
i smiled back, looking at the boy for a few seconds, and simply taking in his appearance. he was gorgeous, probably the best looking person i'd ever seen. i just wondered what had hurt him so badly.
" can i tell you something? " he randomly said, as i nodded my head.
he shuffled a little closer to me, so close that our arms were touching. it was a nice feeling, though, it kept me warm.
" last year when you were going to jump... i came back to this bridge, every, single, night. just to make sure you wouldn't do it " he sighed, glancing back over at me with glossy eyes.
i smiled at his words, not even thinking about what i was doing as i gently took his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers together. my hand immediately felt warm, as he looked down at it, the corners of his lips curving upwards slightly.
" are we friends? " i randomly asked.
ethan let out a laugh, looking back at me with a grin.
" are we in pre-school, here? " he giggled, my cheeks turning slightly red out of embarrassment.
i shrugged, watching as the boy stared out ahead at the forest. the forest which i was terrified of, nearly everyone was.
" do you want us to be? " he asked me with a friendly voice, his eyebrow raising as he tried to fight back a smirk.
" yeah! i've never really had a friend, besides our maid, but she's- " i told him, being cut off by a gasp.
" you have a maid? " his eyes were wide, and mine were rolling at how surprised he was.
i nodded my head with an amused laugh, as i stared at the boy in amazement.
" damn, i can barely afford a fucking sandwhich " he scoffed, his words playful, but serious at the same time.
i didn't question him on it, instead i fiddled with my fingers, simply taking in the feeling of having someone so close to me. i didn't even know ethan that well, but already, he knew me more than anyone else.

it fell silent once again, the sound of the wind whistling all i could hear.
it was then that i looked back down at the river, the water crashing against the rocks aggressively.
" i feel like i'm wasting my time " ethan suddenly spoke up, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
" i don't know how to explain it... but that's what i am. a waste of air " his words made me shake my head, astonished that he would think that.
the boy next to me watched as i sighed, my long red hair falling in front of my face due to the winds. it was then that i leant over, throwing my hair up into a messy pony tail, and looking back at ethan with a small smile on my lips.
" time that you enjoy wasting is not wasted time, ethan " i shrugged, my words being nothing but the truth.
he took a few seconds, simply staring at me, his hazel eyes scanning over my face intently. they were practically shimmering under the moonlight, as his hand reached out, and removed the thin strand of hair that was left, from my face.
i felt the sudden blush begin to rise to my cheeks when he tucked it behind my ear, the feeling of his hand against my skin giving me unexpected goosebumps.

the more i looked at this boy the more eager i grew. i wanted to know all about him. from where he was raised, to his favourite food. for some reason, i just wanted to know it all.
" tell me your story " i suddenly said, his intense gaze turning to me as my lip got caught between my teeth.
he sighed, running his large hand through his soft looking hair. i could only imagine reaching out and playing with it, but that would've been slightly weird.
" uh, i got depress- " he began, and i immediately let out a laugh.
he looked at me in confusion, his thick eyebrows furrowed as he let out a breath.

" no, i mean... just tell me about you. not all of the depression "

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