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" no, i mean... just tell me about you. not all of the depression " i smiled warmly, watching as the anxious look on his face faded, and the corners of his lips began to tug upwards.
his cheeks turned slightly pink, almost as if he were shocked at the idea of someone wanting to get to know him.

" ok. well my full name is ethan grant dolan... i'm eighteen, will be nineteen december 16th, and i've lived in new jersey most of my life " he told me, my eyebrow raising as a smirk formed on my lips.
" most of your life? " i questioned, extremely intrigued.
ethan readjusted himself against the railing, so that he was now sitting cross legged on the platform. it wasn't dangerous, but if we were to lean forward, we'd be staring straight down at a high drop.
" me and my brother moved to la alone when we were fifteen.. we were pretty big on this app called vine, and we wanted to make
a career out of that and youtube since we enjoyed it so much " he breathed out, looking somewhat nervous.
the way he turned towards me was almost as if he were embarrassed, or even worried that i would find it strange. but i didn't, not at all.
" that's cool! i'm guessing you and your brother must be pretty close then, right? " i asked, a giggle leaving my lips as i spoke.

it was then that he let out a breath of anger, almost a scoff, as he ran a hand through his thick brown hair again.
" we were. he's my twin brother, and we were like bestfriends, until i just gave up on everything " he shrugged, as if it meant nothing to him.
before i could even ask why he gave up, he cut me off.
" i quit the whole youtube thing when my dad left my mom... that was around the time that i got depressed... it was probably a year ago- " was what he said, my thoughts running wild as my heart plummeted. why did his dad leave?
" around the time that i stopped you from jumping " he suddenly told me, everything making sense by the flick of a switch.
he was on that bridge for a reason, just like i was.

ethan's eyes snapped up to my own, his fingers still intertwined with mine. his orbs showed pure hurt and sadness as he spoke, and it
made my heart ache more than it ever had before.
" thank god i was there... because maybe you wouldn't be now if i wasn't "

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