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molly's pov.
the next day.

" i was thinking that we should host a grand ball, this year... or a masquerade " my mother spoke up from across the table, cutting the large piece of steak wish her knife and fork.

i didn't respond, i just continued to eat my food, in attempt of drowning out whatever she had to say.
" that would be brilliant, elizabeth! " mrs preston chimed in, smiling widely at my mom as if she had just though of the most unique, and amazing idea.

my eyes pealed up from the plate in front of me towards daniel, who was watching me intently, his eyes narrowed and his lips folded into a straight line.
" what?!? " i suddenly snapped, everyone at the tables heads turning to me, considering that i hadn't said a word for the whole meal.
daniel's parents looked at me worryingly, while my own glared me down, probably becoming embarrassed.
however, daniel sniggered, continuing laugh under his breath at how i'd been caught out.
" you're a dick " i mouthed to him, an evil smirk growing on his lips, making my stomach twist in worry and fear.

it was then that our chefs came into the room, collecting empty plates to be washed. i did my usual, picking up the plates to hand to them, for just that little bit of help.
" what are you doing, nadine? " my father's nose scrunched up in disgust as he watched me, making my eyebrows furrow.
" helping, what does it look like? " i shot back,
continuing to stack up the plates on the oversized table, and hand them to our butler with a smile.
" well, don't. we have staff for a reason "
my parents unkind words had irritated me once again, leading me to push out my chair, and storm up the stairs of the large house.

i didn't need to be dismissed, because i was beginning to care less and less, what my parents, or anyone for that matter, thought about me.
that was all ethan's doings.
he was teaching me that i didn't have to please anyone, and i needed that.

my peace was disturbed when my bedroom door opened, an agitated breath leaving my mouth as i thought i'd locked it. but my annoyance only grew when i saw daniel stood in the doorway, a sour look on his face.
" get out " i warned him, only for the boy to take a few steps inside, and shut the door behind him.
my heart race began to pick up tremendously out of nervousness when he locked it, and began inching closer to me, before sitting down on the edge of my bed.
" your parents sent me up to come see you " he told me, his hand slowly sliding towards my leg across the thin duvet.
he probably thought i didn't notice such a small action, but i was terrified beyond belief,
and so i picked up on every little thing he did, one by one.

his cold hand landed on my thigh, as he sat up straight, crawling over top of my body, nearly trapping me beneath him. i sucked in a breath, trying to find the words to tell him to leave, but i couldn't. i couldn't bring myself to speak at all, even though i knew this wasn't right.
only a few short seconds passed before his lips were smashed against my own, a horrible taste coming from them, as i laid still, unable to move, and unable to process what was going on.

but it was when his lips began trailing down my neck, and his hand slid up my skirt, that i realised what was happening, as if i'd just came back to life.
" please, stop " i said quietly, yet still loud enough for him to hear.
he didn't stop, though. instead his free hand landing on my wrist, pinning me down against the bed that little bit harder.
" stop! " i called out once more, only for him to keep going, even fumbling with his belt.
that was when i kicked my legs, my arms pushing him back by his chest. he fell from the bed, and landed on the floor with a loud thud, a thud loud enough to be heard from downstairs.
but i knew that my parents wouldn't care.

" what the fuck, nadine? " he spat as soon as he'd rose to his feet, taking large steps towards me, so close that i could feel the anger radiating from his body.
" i told you to stop... you didn't- "
" mo- nadine? "
annie's voice made the two of us freeze in our tracks, as the door knob began turning.
daniel looked at it, his eyes burning holes through my own when he turned back to me, his jaw clenching out of pure anger.

i didn't even get a second to think before he'd shoved past me, aggressively, nearly making me lose my balance as he made his way out of the door. annie was speechless as she picked up on what had happened, clearly glad that she came.
" molly... are you alright? " she asked me when she'd shut the door, making sure she kept quiet.
i didn't want to let my guard down, but i found myself sniffing, shaking my head slightly as a way of letting her know. no, i wasn't alright.
" i just need to see him... i need to see ethan, okay? " i asked with teary eyes, hoping that she wouldn't stop me.

the lady nodded her head almost instantly, as if she knew that it was what's best for me.
ethan is, what's best for me.
" i'll cover for you, go now "

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