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the walk to the bridge tonight was a little
slower. i really wasn't in the happiest
of moods, but when was i?
i was beginning to realise that every
night when i left the house, i felt like
the worst person on the planet. i felt self conscious, drained, and beaten down. however, when i leave the bridge, i feel as if i'm on top of the world.

ethan is the reason i leave feeling
like that.

i spotted him sat in our usual spot, his shimmering hazel eyes staring out at the forest ahead.
he was just an incredible human being, one
whom i found myself wanting to spend every minute with.

he clearly heard my footsteps as his head snapped into my direction, his lips curving up into a stunning smile, and his eyes lighting up with joy. i could only wonder if i made him feel the same way he made me feel. did he leave the bridge every night as if a massive weight had been lifted off of his shoulders? or did my presence instantly calm him down, just like his did to me?

my thoughts were running wild as i sat down beside him. i felt as if my heart were being tied down with ropes, which had been placed there by multiple people. my mother, being one, daniel being another, and my father too.
they just made me feel as if i were no one, as if i had no opinion, and no right to have a say.

" you okay? you're being a little more quiet than usual " ethan's words knocked me out of my daydream, letting me know that minutes had passed, minutes of silence.
i didn't even think before i'd looked down at my hands, my eyes pealing back up towards the trees ahead straight after.
" am i fat? " i blurted out, unaware of what his reaction would be.
it fell silent instantly, my heart racing as the sound of the wind swept through the air, and the sound of the water crashing against the rocks was heard from below.
" what? " was how ethan eventually responded, my head turning towards him as i prepared myself, my eyes turning glossy as i said it out loud again.
" am i fat? " i repeated myself, watching the look in ethan's eyes grow with each passing second.

the boy suddenly turned his body to face me fully, taking my hands into his own, and holding them in his lap comfortingly.
i felt warm wherever he touched, and i was quickly learning that only he could make me feel that.
" who told you that? "
i gulped when he asked this, blinking back the tears as i realised that all of my self confidence had went down the drain, just by one simple comment. but it wasn't just one comment, it was the small things that were said on the daily by someone who was supposed to support me.
" my mom- "
" well she's fucking blind "
as soon as the words left ethan's mouth my eyes snapped up to his own, the sound of him cursing making my heart skip a beat. i shouldn't have found it attractive, but i did. i really did.

" listen " he began, scooting even closer to me, if possible " it doesn't matter what she thinks, or what anyone, thinks of you "
i sniffled as he spoke, looking back down at my hands, which were completely engulfed in his own. they fit together perfectly, it was almost unbelievable. it were like the two final pieces of a puzzle, connecting like magnets.

ethan noticed that i still felt downhearted, one of his hands suddenly un-attaching from mine.
my free hand felt cold almost instantly, but when his finger reached under my chin, and directed my eyes up to look into his hazel orbs, i melted into his hold. they submerged me, just the colour of them. they were the most gorgeous hazel colour, with small outbursts of green surrounding the pupil.
" but if it makes you feel any better, mol... i think that you're beautiful "

his words instantly threw me off guard, my lips slightly agape as i stared at him intently, my heart beating rapidly out of my chest.
" you have the most beautiful red hair " he told me with a smile, naturally sending a small one onto my own lips.
" the most beautiful bright green eyes "
i found my cheeks growing hot, my eyes fixated on the amazing boy in front of me. he was proving everything i'd been lead to believe,
completely wrong.

ever since daniel was introduced to me, i thought all boys were the same. i thought that all boys were out for the same thing.
but that is definitely not the case.
ethan isn't like the other boy's.

" you have the most beautiful smile. a smile that makes me feel like... like i don't have any problems, like everything's going to be okay " his words kept hitting me like a ton of bricks.
" and i will never be able to tell you this enough, because i think it every time i see you. you're just... breathtaking " he finished off, his eyes never leaving my own, with each and every word he said.

after a long while of quiet, however, he looked back at the forest, his cheeks slightly pink, while mine were red.
" i'm sorry... that was really mushy- " he began stuttering, clearly nervous.
i cut him off by letting out a breath, a smile growing on my face as i took his hand back into mine, squeezing it gently for reassurance.
" i like mushy "

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