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i finished jotting down the answers to the math questions on my paper, shoving it forward once i'd finished. i stood up from the sofa, my mother's eyes following me as i headed towards the large staircase.
" just wait until your father comes home from work, nadine. we have a lot to speak about "
her words made me freeze, my fingertips slightly grazing across the posh bannister, as I turned to face the women.

i knew that she was talking about last night, and how i humiliated our family and daniel's, in front of many guests. my parents had managed to make all of the guests to forget about what i'd said, by convincing them that i'd always been a jokester. twats.
" and on top of that, you can barely even do your homeschooling properly! "

i rolled my eyes, not even caring if she could see me anymore. i'd lost all respect for her, ever since she told me i'd be marrying daniel preston.
" our families reputation is on the line, all because of you. you're ridiculous "
her sudden words angered me, my hands curling up into balls. my fingernails dug into my palms, most likely leaving red marks, as i tried desperately to not let my anger take control.
i remembered what she'd said about my father, and how he was coming home from work, and that was enough to make me snap back.
" dad's not at work. you do know that, right? "

my mother immediately tensed up, having heard the words that she didn't want to hear. we all knew where he was, she just refused to believe it.
" it's no secret that his late shifts are spent with his boss, the women whom he always seems to be calling " i smirked, finally finding my mom's weakness.
she suddenly slammed her hand down against the desk, her face drained of colour.
" nadine! to your room, now! "
i threw my hands up in defence, shrugging my shoulders as i backed away towards the stairs.
" i was on my way, anyway "
was what i told her, before rushing up to my room, and locking the door. after that, i went straight for my bedroom window, before climbing out into the cold, jersey air.

" hello again " i chuckled, sitting down beside the boy, ethan, who was sat in the exact same spot as yesterday.
his eyes immediately snapped up to me intensely, his body jolting to the side slightly in fear. when he realised it was me, however, he relaxed, shrinking back into his small seat on the bridge with a smile.
" i was hoping you'd come " he spoke up, blowing hot air into his hands in desperate hopes of keeping warm " you're probably the only person who can relate to what i'm going through, at all "
for some reason, his words made me smile. no one had ever hoped to see me, so this was a rarity.
" that makes a change. my parents probably wish i vanished into thin air " i let out a laugh, ethan's eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
" of course they don't. you don't mean that "
he told me, his words making me scoff.

i turned my body to the side, as he did exactly the same. we were now both sat cross legged, looking at one another in confusion.
" oh, i really do " i confirmed, pulling a sour and stern face in attempt of looking like my mother.
" you're an embarrassment, nadine! at least make yourself look like you're part of the adderley family! " i mimicked her cruel words.
the corners of ethan's plump lips curved up slightly at my attitude, as i let out a breath.
" fucking prick " i murmured, silence following shortly after as the dark night sky surrounded us.

all of a sudden, his eyes went wide, his head snapping into my direction.
" wait... adderley? you're an adderley? " he nearly choked on his own words, as my heart dropped to the ground.
" uh, y-yeah " i suddenly grew nervous, aware that not many people liked my family.
the only people who did were people with the same money, or business owners. people who were snobby and arrogant, just like my parents. but i'm not like that.
" so you're like... a cousin, or something? " he asked, clearly intrigued.
i gulped, the fear in the pit of my stomach growing with each word he said.
" a daughter, actually "
it went quiet, the boy clearly shocked.
" damn. i didn't know they had a daughter " he shrugged, as i let out a small laugh.
i was relieved. this was the closest i'd ever gotten to a friend, even though i'd only seen him a few times... but i didn't want my surname to scare him away.

" they do a good job of hiding me, that's for sure. i'm homeschooled, and hardly ever get to leave the house " i sighed, placing my face in the palm of my hand.
" is that why you uh, were at the bridge last year? you'd just had enough? " ethan asked me.
at this point, i'd forgotten where i was, and what the circumstances were.
i felt calmer than i ever had before, just by sitting here, venting to the boy. he was good company, and he was a great listener.
" partially " i told him, his eyebrow quirking up.
i let out a sigh, fiddling with the sleeve of my hoodie out of anxiousness.
" im getting married next year... not my choice, of course. but the guy's a total dickhead, and it's just so that my families business can go into partnership with his "

ethan's lips were agape, and his jaw was nearly
touching the floor. he didn't know what to say, and so i spoke for him.
" let's just not talk ab- "
" how old are you? " he cut me off, staring me down as if i were a closed book, one with a lock and key.
however, i wanted to hand him the lock and key, for some reason. i wanted him to know me, because no one really did.
" eighteen "
" me too " he smiled a little at this, and
so did i.
i'd never really spoken to anyone of my own age before, on my own terms. of course i'd spoken to daniel, but i never wished to.
" and... nadine? i thought it was molly " he chuckled, a melodic laugh which was music to my ears.
it was a beautiful sound, truly breathtaking.
" my birth name's nadine, but i prefer molly " i began, running a hand through my red hair.
" why'd you change it? " he asked another question, something which made me laugh.
it was like twenty one questions, but for some reason, i didn't mind. i found it quite entertaining, and it definitely took my mind off of everything that was happening back home.
home. that place isn't home.

" because they named me after my french aunt. the name nadine means hope and faith, which is something i don't have anymore "

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