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it was dinner time here in the adderley household, spent in my bedroom, devouring the delicious pasta i'd made myself.
my parents were out at a business meeting, and the only people home were annie and i. i liked it that way, annie was great company.

" molly! " her voice suddenly echoed throughout the mansion like house.
" yeah? " i called back, not wanting to move from my bed.
it was what she said next, that made me jump up from the mattress, my eyebrows furrowing as i made my way out of my room in an instant.
" you have a visitor! "

when i saw ethan stood at the bottom of the stairs beside annie, i felt my heart begin beating an awful lot faster, a smile breaking out across my face, though i was extremely confused.
" go on, i'll message you when your parents get back " annie told us, ethan thanking her in response, the kind woman nodding her head.

" what're you doing here? how did you even know where i lived? " i asked him in a hurry, smiling at annie, who was watching the two of us happily.
i took his hand, pulling him up the stairs, in desperate need of getting him out of the way. my parents would usually finish their meeting at around this time, so it would've been a disaster if they were to walk in at that moment in time. it was safe to say that i was extremely nervous with him being here, and all.

" well, i was bored and i wanted to see you, so grayson drove me " ethan giggled, his eyes taking in the sight of my bedroom for the first time, when i shut the door behind him.
he looked everywhere, from the photos hanging on my walls, to my bed, and to my tidy desk, where countless stacks of tests and work for homeschooling, were piled up.

" that still doesn't justify you hunting my house down, how did you know where i lived? " i laughed, repeating the question which he had yet to answer jokingly.
the boy shrugged, copying me as i sat down on my large bed, motioning for him to sit opposite. he did so, staring at me intently. his stare always managed to make me blush.
his eyes are so deep and full of meaning, i just get lost in them every time.
" i just came to the richest neighbourhood and hoped for the best, really "
his words made me laugh, shaking my head in amusement at the boy.
" plus, i remembered you describing your house to me... "
i nodded, remembering the time that i told him about my house, and what it looked like, at the bridge. he was just proving himself to be
an even better listener than i thought he was.

" jesus christ.. that's a shit load of work to do, don't you think? " ethan cackled as he stood up, and looked at the work on my desk.
i sighed, shrugging my shoulders.
" i don't know, is it? "
i'd never been to a public school, so i had no
idea what was a lot of work, and what was a little. all i knew was that the amount i was doing, drained me mentally, and physically, every day.
" yes! we don't even do half of that
at my school " he announced, making me groan. as usual, i get more than i bargained for.

i suddenly became really intrigued. the more i looked at ethan, the more i could picture him as a football player at his school, or someone who's extremely popular, with a bunch of friends. but he also seemed like the type of person to stick in, get his work done, and be rewarded with great results.
i just wanted to know all about high school and what it's like, because a part of me feels like i'm missing out on being a normal, crazy teenager.

" what's school like? "
my question made ethan laugh, as he joined me on my bed again, looking at me funnily.
" shit "
" no, seriously "
" i'm being serious, it's shit " ethan shook his head at me, a cheeky smile on his lips
as he did so.
i sighed, aware that he was completely
missing the point.
" i mean, besides the early mornings, shitty schoolwork and annoying teachers " i shrugged, resting my chin in the palm of
my hand.
" but that's all school is "

i grabbed my pillow when he said this, throwing it at him, and hitting him straight in the face. he fell back when i did so, a loud laugh leaving my mouth as he appeared again, his hair messy, and falling onto his forehead.
he looked adorable.

" do you do any sports at your school? "
i asked him, genuinely interested.
ethan shrugged in response, licking his lips
a little before speaking.
" gray and i used to play football, but this guy got me kicked off the team, so "
i raised an eyebrow at this, not wanting to make him go into any more detail than he already had. it was clear that it bothered him, and so i made a mental note to ask him about this guy at some point.
" and what about the high school parties? " i asked another question, a cute smile forming on his face as i spoke.

ethan looked at me for a few seconds, simply taking in the grin i was wearing happily. i watched an automatic smile transfer onto his face when he saw it, before he answered.
" i haven't been to one in forever, but whenever i did, they were alright i guess. i'm not the biggest party animal, as you could probably assume, so it's not exactly
my scene "
i nodded at this, still a part of me wishing i could experience the whole thing at least once.
" i just feel like i'm missing out on being a teenager, it's bullshit "

a long silence took over us as ethan thought to himself, his deep hazel eyes burning holes through my skin, in the best way possible.
it was almost as if a light bulb had appeared at the top of his head, as an even wider smile appeared on his face, and his eyes lit up with joy, and excitement.

" well, molly lynn... how would you like to be my date to your very first high school party, tomorrow night? "

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