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friday night.

" you were right about that boy being charming, molly " annie laughed as she sat on my bed, watching as i looked at myself in the mirror.
i smiled at her words, nodding my head.
ethan was charming, he knew exactly what to say, and when to say it.

" does this look okay? " i turned to her, standing in the outfit i'd managed to pick out.
i was dressed in some figure hugging ripped jeans, a basic black off the shoulder crop top, and some cute heels.
i never liked wearing dresses, but apparently it was a must at the stupid events my family would throw.

" you look lovely, dear. stop worrying, i'm sure he'll find you stunning in anything "
annie's words made me grin, as i nodded my head, a sudden burst of confidence being thrown my way.
i checked the time on my phone, the large numbers on my home screen reading 7:39pm.
ethan had told me that he'd pick me up at 8, and would park at the very bottom of my road, so his car wasn't in sight.

" i'm risking my job for you and this boy, molly.. don't make me regret it "
i bit my lip when i heard this, wrapping my arms around the woman who had been more of a mother to me, than my own mother ever had.
" i know. thank you so much, annie "
she smiled, shrugging her shoulders as if i didn't need to thank her.
" just have fun, but be careful! "
with that, i grinned, swinging my legs over the window ledge, climbing out onto the small surface. here goes nothing.

i spotted the car at the bottom of my road as i rushed down, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as i reached the vehicle.
i opened the back door, climbing in, instantly being greeted by ethan beside me, smiling like a fool.
i buckled my seatbelt as grayson began to drive and turned to the boy next to me, his eyes trailing down my body, bright and filled
with lust.
" you look gorgeous " he told me without hesitation, my cheeks turning pink in an instant.
" thanks, ethan "

ethan was wearing a white tee and some black jeans, with rips at the knee. he paired it with a black jacket, which matched perfectly with what he had going on.
his hair was styled to perfection, still with the no effort look. that was most likely because of how he continuously ran his hand through it, though. nervous habits.

before i could even think about complimenting ethan's appearance, which was all my mind seemed to be doing, grayson had made a revolting gagging sound.
" you guys are gross "
" oh really, gray? what about you and
brookie wookie pookie? " ethan snapped back,
the blush in his cheeks as evident as ever.
i laughed at the pair arguing, leaning forward
in my seat.
" who's brookie wookie pookie? " i smirked,
patting grayson's shoulder jokingly until he shrugged me off in annoyance.
" a family friend. grayson has a massive, and i mean massive, crush on her. it's funny " ethan giggled, looking into the rear view mirror to see his brother red out of embarrassment.

the second the car pulled up towards the house the sound of blurred music was all i could hear, as well as loud chattering, coming from the garden.
ethan could tell i was nervous as we stepped out the car, his hand making its way to my lower back, as he guided me up the pathway. he kept close to me the whole time, leaning a little closer to my ear, to say the words clearly over the already loud music.
" stay by my side, okay? "
i nodded when he said this, entering the home
beside the two brothers, and instantly being engulfed by the horrid smell.

the whole house stank of alcohol, sweaty bodies and smoke, the heat in the room making it extremely humid, sweaty and hot.
" since i am the designated driver, can i get you two lovebirds anything to drink? "
grayson's voice pulled me from my thoughts, both mine and ethan's cheeks turning rosy as he referred to us as lovebirds.

I shook my head instantly, giving him
my answer at the exact same time as ethan.
" no thanks, i don't drink- "
" nah, bro.. you know i don't drink "

as soon as ethan said this i looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, as he instantly did the same for me, the two of us smiling
at one another in unison.
" jeez, alright " grayson giggled as he threw his hands up in defence, eyeing us like hawks.
" meant to be? i think yes " grayson smirked, shoving his brother's chest playfully.
ethan glared at the boy in annoyance, his face as red as could be, as grayson let out a huff.

grayson left ethan and i alone to get us all some soda, specifically coke.
as soon as he'd gone, ethan turned to me
when a small smile dancing on his plump lips.
" you don't drink? " he asked me,
the corners tugging up into a smirk.
i sighed, smirking back at him twice as much.
" never been the type. why get drunk and not remember anything that happens when you can be sober, have fun, and remember
it all? " i shrugged.
ethan grinned when i said this, nodding his head enthusiastically in agreement.
" well that's one more thing we have in
common " he smiled, being interrupted when grayson approached us, three cups in his hands.
he nearly dropped one of them to the floor,
and i giggled at his clumsiness, taking a sip of the soda.
" aidan, come here! "

as soon as grayson called out aidan's name i raised an eyebrow, looking around for anyone
who seemed to be approaching us.
however, my thoughts were answered when a loud boo! was shouted from behind us, and i turned around to see a boy, with his hands on ethan's shoulders.
" fucking hell, aidan! " ethan yelled a little when he jumped in fear, shoving whom i guessed was their friend, in the shoulder playfully.

aidan and grayson burst into a fit of giggles, whilst i smiled. that was when aidan noticed me stood beside his friend, a large grin growing on his face.
" im aidan. i'm guessing you're molly? "
he smiled at me, holding out his hand.
i'd never been in a situation like this properly, and so i smiled happily, shaking his hand.
" yeah, i am. nice to meet you "
aidan nodded when i said this, running a hand through his blonde, almost brown hair.

he was really tall, probably around six ft one or so, pretty muscular, with a sculpted face, one which could make anyone weak to their knees. however, not me.
i'm weak to my knees for another boy.

" aidan! get over here, your girls a fucking mess, bro! "
the words were shouted by some guy at the back of the room, who was a laughing mess.
at first i thought it was a friendly joke, but when i saw aidan roll his eyes and let out
a long sigh, i knew it wasn't.
" i'll be right back " aidan told me and his friends, forcing a smile at us before he'd disappeared into the crowd with grayson following behind, to find his girl.

i looked up at ethan, who's lips were folded into a straight line. that was when he leaned down towards me, his lips close to my ear so i could hear him over the loud music, and loud cheers.
" aidan's been dating this girl at our school, rebecca, for like two years... he's in love with her, like he'd take a bullet for her.. but she just uses his ass over and over again. it's shit, really. he's a great guy, we've been bestfriends with him since we started school " ethan told me, as i nodded my head, my heart immediately sinking for him.
aidan did seem like a really nice, sweet and funny boy, so it was horrible to hear.
" he's literally the only friend of ours at school who didn't leave us... so you know he's a real one. he even beat this one guys ass when he was pickin on me and gray " ethan laughed a little, talking about his bestfriend so highly.
it was cute to hear him talk about aidan so sweetly, and it made me wonder how he spoke of me. did he even speak of me? well, obviously if aidan knew who i was.

i looked over my shoulder at the dance floor, where everyone jumped up and down, swaying their hips to the music.
that was when i felt a sudden rush of excitement come over me, as i looked back at ethan with a grin.
" do you wanna dance? "
as soon as i asked this ethan let out a loud laugh, his head falling back as he made the melodic sound. he's adorable.
" i can't dance " he told me,
whilst i rolled my eyes.
" neither can any of the people dancing right now, and? " i said back,
his eyebrows narrowing as he let out a
sigh in defeat.
" i'll just embarrass myself " he was slowly giving in, and i knew just the trick.
i grabbed his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers as my other hand held onto his bicep, as if to be begging him.
" we can embarrass ourselves together "
when i said this i giggled, and ethan cracked a smile, squeezing my hand that little bit tighter. he gave in, letting me drag him into the group of dancing teens. this should be fun.

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