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i rested my head on ethan's shoulder, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment of pure peace.
he knew something was up, and so he pulled me closer into his chest, his arm wrapping around my waist as he rubbed up and down my side soothingly.
he really did know just how to make me feel better, without even knowing it.

" what did he do? "
ethan's words caught me completely off guard. it was as if he could read me so well, i didn't even have to tell him.
" h-he wouldn't stop, ethan " was all i managed to say, tears brimming in my eyes as i found myself replaying the moment, over and over again.
ethan's arms gave me a gentle squeeze, his hold becoming a little bit stronger as i said this.
" wouldn't stop what? " he asked me again,
as i gulped, not able to put it into words.

i didn't even have to answer, because after many moments of silence, a breath of anger escaped ethan's lips.
" i swear to god, molly, i'll fucking kill him- "
i looked up at ethan, his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared, a sight which i had never seen before.
he looked distraught, the most annoyed i think i'd ever seen anyone. ethan's eyes were dark and filled with violent intentions, and his glare was fiery. if daniel were here right now, he'd be six feet under.
" what's his name? i'll find him- "
it was then that i shook my head, cutting him off. i didn't want anything to break out.
" ethan, i'm not letting you get hurt because of me... he's pretty violent, and strong " i sighed, trying to persuade him not to.
of course i'd love to see daniel getting his ass beat, but when it's ethan risking himself for me, that's when i say no.

ethan shook his head, whilst i placed my hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. it was when his eyes snapped to my own, and he stared into my green orbs so intensely, that he took a deep breath, and nodded.

i didn't want ethan knowing who my fiancé was, because i knew ethan by now. he'd somehow, slowly but surely, find him, and the outcome wouldn't be pretty for either of them.

" you need to get out of there, molly... " ethan sighed, running a hand through his soft brown hair " it's not safe "
i nodded, agreeing.
he was right, i really did need to get out of that house. i couldn't stand it there, i didn't even know how annie had been working there for so long, i would've quit a long time ago.

the water in the river below us was a lot calmer tonight, but the wind was howling, whistling through the air.
it was then that my cheek suddenly felt warm, and i realised that it was because ethan had placed a soft kiss to my cheek, before doing the same on my head, allowing me to snuggle closer into his chest.
" i promise you, molly... everything will turn out just fine. it did for me "

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