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" it sounds like you've got a little crush on this boy, molly "
i sighed when i heard annie say this, trying to fight back the smile which was daring to grow across my face.
" i think i do "

i fell back against the bed when i finally admitted it, to not only annie, but to myself.
it wasn't just a little crush, however.
what i felt for this boy, was far beyond any crush. whether that be a large crush, a massive, or a gigantic.
i didn't like ethan, i didn't have a crush on him. it was something bigger, way bigger.

it wasn't a little spark, or a small bolt of electricity. it was fire, flames and fireworks. it was the feeling he gave me, just by sitting beside me, just by holding me close to his chest, and holding my hand. it was the feeling he gave me today, when he was about to kiss me, for the very first time.

ethan's pov.

i was pulled from my thoughts when a gentle
knock was heard from my door, and i looked up towards it. grayson was stood there once again, instantly joining me, and sitting on my bed.
" so....molly "
i knew he wanted to speak about her, he had for the whole day.

i felt the blush rise to my cheeks at the mention of her name, my heart racing at the thought of speaking about her to my brother.
she wasn't even here, yet she had my heart racing faster than anyone ever could.
" mom loves her " grayson told me, as i let
out a laugh.
" i know she does, she's all she
talks about " i chuckled, smiling happily.
" molly this molly that, you're both annoying "
i rolled my eyes when grayson said this, shoving the side of his arm with my hand.

it was then that silence took over us, both of our minds like a train station, one thought coming in, leaving, and another entering the station, only to leave a few minutes later.
" i can see why now, though. she's great "

when grayson spoke up again my eyes snapped up to meet with his, and i bit my lip to prevent the smile from breaking out across my face.
" she really cares about you, e. she wants the best for you... and to be honest, i think she's what's best for you " he told me truthfully, as i nodded my head.

everything that my brother was saying was something i'd already thought of.
i knew that molly was what's best for me, every part of me begged to be in her company.
she was making me realise things that i'd never thought of before i met her, for example, just how lucky i am.
my mom may be suffering from a deadly illness, but she cares for me with every bone in her body, and that's something that i'm lucky enough to have. molly, she's making me realise that.

" e? " my brother's voice suddenly spoke up again, pulling me from my daydream.
i looked up at him, nodding my head, humming as a way of saying yes.
grayson hesitated on asking what he did next, his eyes glowing, and his voice soft and gentle.
" do you love her? "

i froze on the spot when he asked this, because i didn't know the answer myself.

i knew i really, really, liked molly, but what was enough to define love, exactly?

was it the feeling that rushes throughout my whole body when i hear her speak, or when her small hand holds mine?
the rush of pure adrenaline and fire, and the rush of pure passion and admiration?

was it the the way she put me at a loss for words with her deep thoughts? and her instant ways of bringing a smile to my face, when i thought i'd actually forgotten how to smile?

or was it the way that when i looked at her, being so effortlessly gorgeous, i could just imagine my whole future, right there, in front of my eyes?

because if that's love,
then my answer to you, grayson,
is yes.

with all of my heart,
i love molly.

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