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Next day, Jungkook had arrived fifteen minutes earlier than he was supposed to and was standing right in front of my room giving me a cute, bunny smile. His eyes were shinning so brightly, so excitedly. I could never forget how he looked in that moment.

"Hey..." I answered, distracted by thoughts of how nice he looked and how wrong it was of me to think how nice he looked.

"I... I think I need ten more minutes to get ready...?"

"Oh... um... it's okay I'll wait in the lobby..."

"Or you could..." I took a sneak peak at my room before completing the sentence. "Do as you please" That place looked like a shithole.

He nodded and left for the lobby while I took the ten minutes to throw everything I owned into a cupboard.

Drying my hair took an eternity and I put extra effort in looking a bit nicer, choosing my best outfit and wearing  a bit of makeover. Half an hour gone. Shit.

"Jungkook I am so sorry I..." I went running down the stairs. He stood up and smiled, probably thinking how dumb I looked.

"I just..." Before I could reach him I slipped and soon everyone in the lobby was staring at me awkwardly sprawled on the floor. He hurried towards me.

"Are you okay?"

"I think I can't get up"

"That was a pretty smooth slip though.." He grinned.

I ignored that. My mood wasn't the greatest anyway. He helped me sit up.

"This won't do" He scooped me in his arms, bridal style and started towards my room.

"Hey!!" I protested but he didn't seem to care.I became more conscious of how everyone was still staring at us.


I gave him the keys and he opened the door with one hand as if it was his daily routine. Geez, how strong was this guy.

I smiled inwardly , appreciating myself for having thrown all my stuff in the cupboard. But that happiness was short lived. He took me to bed and was carefully trying to put me down but the doors of the cupboard flew open on their own and as all the stuff came flowing out, he got distracted and my head hit the headrest.

"Owwww!!!" I wailed in pain.

"Sorry" He tried rubbing my head.

"Jungkook. Its okay." I pushed his hand away.

"Are you... angry with me?"

"No. It's... just.. ah forget it. I'm sorry I can't go out today... obviously..."

"I will just... call the doctor..."

"It's okay I'm not hurt that bad.... My dignity died though"

"I'll call my friend Jin, he's a doctor"

"But I..."


His friend Jin arrived and I had to hold my breath in. That guy was handsome af. Who were these guys and why were they so good looking. Damn.

"There is nothing to worry about, no bruises, no swelling, no sign of any fractures. But I would suggest you visit a hospital and have some xrays just for confirmation and after that... you should have some rest" He told me.

So we spent rest of the day at hospital and when we got back, it was past 8 pm. He helped me lie down again.

"Jungkook... I'm so sorry I wasted so much of your time.."

"It's okay. That was my responsibility "

"No it wasn't, but thanks anyways. You can leave if you want"

"Are you upset about something?"

"It's... just that...Nothing." I sighed.

"Come on" He sat just beside me, and I had to swallow hard... the way his leg touched mine, and the way it gave me some weird sort of tingling sensations in my stomach. No no no, I can't get butterflies over an eighteen year old. Get a grip April. I kept telling my self. "You can tell me if i did something wrong..."

"You...? Nooo" I squeaked. "It's just that... I feel like... everything goes wrong when I try to do something... I mean... look at me..." I hung my head, and then as I looked up I saw him licking his lips and smiling mischvieously.


"You're cute"

"Are you hitting on me?" I raised an eye brow.

"Since you can't go out today, let's do what we Koreans usually do in situations like these. Order Chicken and Beer. My treat." He winked and took out his phone, dialing for a chicken restaurant or something.


"Shhhh!" He put a finger on my lips and started ordering the food in Korean. I could feel my face heat up and I could only hope against hope that he wouldn't catch the crimson creeping on my cheeks. But seeing how he bit his lower lip and smiled, turning his gaze away from me, I knew he had seen it. Shit. I was a school girl again. Keep your calm. Keep your calm. I told myself again.


"It's my third can. I can't take more than that 'cause I become a sack of embarrassment after that" I laughed, waving the can in the air.

"I think you are already drunk"

"Jeon Jungkook. I will have one more can..." and I did.

"And now I am completely tipsy" I giggled. "You know what happens when I am drunk? I start spilling out my deepest, darkest secrets. Hahaha. And I never, that is neverrrr everrr lie when I am drunk. Hahaha. So "I grabbed his collar "Don't ever ask me shit when I'm like this"

"Are you single?"

"Of course I am! What kind of a dumb question is that. If I wasn't, why would I be in a three star hotel with a flaminngggg hot guy feeding me chicken hahaha."

"You think I'm hot?"

"Soooo much." I giggled again.

"Alright, I am going to be honest with you as well. You have something about you, that makes me want to never let go of you. I can't exactly point out what it is... that just makes me want to posses you for forever..." He said, tracing my lower lip with his thumb. His face was just millimeters away and I could feel his warm breath mixing with my own. Was his heart beating as fast as mine too?

This was soo wrong. So wrong. His lips touched mine and I closed my eyes.

"You know you're just eighteen and i am drunk" I said as I felt his hand slip beneath my shirt. That's the last thing I remember before I passed out.

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