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I stood outside her apartment, both hands in my hair, wanting to shout at the top of my voice. Oh God, what did i just do, she's hurt because of me. I never meant what i said. I did want her, so bad, but not in the way i told her. Even that day when I walked in on her while she was sleeping in my office, I had such a hard time controlling myself from slipping my hand between her legs, waking her up and making love to her on that very couch until morning, but I held it all in.

When she left me all alone, just like that... I stopped feeling everything. All i knew was that I had to get her back before any other man could have her. Not because I wanted to do to her... all those thing that I ended up doing, but because I loved her so much. Even though she looked me in the eye and left me, without a word, without a good bye, deleting all her photos as if it had been a mistake, leaving money for me as if I was a beggar, I still loved her. And i wanted her back.

So I took some loan from Jin hyung, and bought stock shares with that. It was as if I had become a machine, working day and night, sometimes twenty hours, sometimes twenty two. I worked so hard I thought I would go insane. I kept doubling the money over and over until i became one of the richest men of Korea and soon of Asia.

I asked a private agency to look her up when I was satisfied with my success, and the happiest day of my life was when I found out that she was single. I knew that it was because she had locked her heart away, otherwise her beauty could get her any man she set her eyes on.

I bought the firm she worked for, and so i was able to bring her back to Seoul. I thought she would look for me before showing up at the office but she didn't. If only she had...

It was almost as if she didn't even want me and that hurt me so much, i lost my temper with her. Again and again. Until the day she came to my office and whispered that she loved me, she thought I didn't hear but I did. Everything.

But when i went to her apartment, it was another story. How to avoid a.... ? She didn't even write my name there. I was just a guy she had fucked with. It tore me apart, but i still loved her. Why did l love her after all that?

And then in the park, when she was with that Kang guy, I lost the final bit of patience I had. She should've dressed up like that for me. She should be walking around, laughing and dancing with me. Why him? Jealousy made me loose my head, and I kept walking all night on roads until I could take it no more and i just went to her apartment to tell her never to go out with any guy other than me. I know i had no right but still I went. And there I smelled his presence in the home of my woman. It was unbearable, knowing he had been so close to her. Knowing she had trusted him enough to bring him in.

And so i ended up saying all those things to her that I never should've. I lost my patience, and maybe her as well. She nearly killed herself because of me, because of how my emotions are always so raw for her.

I called Jin hyung right away but seeing how she might do something stupid if someone knocked on her door (thinking it's me) I told him to visit her in the morning.

Why does everything goes wrong with her? Why can't she love me back too? Why does she always have to lie to me? Why do I always end up hurting her? Why does hurting her hurts me even more? Is this what I deserve for loving someone like crazy?

I need to sort my head. I need some time to think straight.

But above all...

I need her.


Guys I'm sorry about the glitch with this story that happened Yesterday I hope you guys can read this now😓😓

kara_livingston gurl you so talented !!this cover is so beautiful Jungkook actually looks like a rich badass CEO here😍😍👌👌

kara_livingston  gurl you so talented !!this cover is so beautiful Jungkook actually looks like a rich badass CEO here😍😍👌👌

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