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"Hello!" Just as I opened the door, I saw Daniel holding two bags.


I invited him in. But a part of me still felt uneasy. What if  Jungkook was around, watching my apartment? What if he did the same thing again? All sorts of weird scenarios kept popping up in my mind.

"Nothing like hot Chinese food to warm you up in a weather like this!" He placed the bags on the table in front of the couch and I went to get plates and stuff, thinking about what a life saveour he was, since I was starving already.

"So, how's it going?" He asked while we were eating.

"I am just... on a leave right now"

"What happened?"

"Nothing much. I needed one so I got one."

"Why don't you visit your mom?"

"I can't... I wouldn't want to come back once i left..."

"Is it that bad?"

"Huh? No I..."

"April, you know I told you, you can leave that job anytime you want"


I wanted to. But...

I was still hoping I guess, that we would be able to work it out. I couldn't hate him, even when I had every reason to. After all, he was the only man I had ever loved. And he was the only man I was going to love. Because heart is a bitch, you can't make it understand by reasoning with it. It forgets all the hurt someone caused you, all the pain, all the misery. It only remembers those moments when someone made you breathless. Over and over, it just runs toward one person. And unfortunately for me, that one person was Jeon Jungkook.

"Why do you choose to suffer when you don't have to?"

Because my heart wants to.

"I am not suffering..."

"Is it because you... like him?"

"Daniel, thank you so much for the food, it was fantastic" I tried to change the topic.

"So you do. Does he feels the same way? "

"I... don't know..."

"I heard from my father that... Irene was..."

"How was your trip to the U.S?" please don't tell me, i don't wanna know anything else that can break my already broken heart.

"Unproductive. I think I'll have to go again soon."

"Must suck so bad"

"It's okay,nothing I can't handle, just like you. Anyways, I have to ask you for a favor"

"Anything you want!"

"So there is this party. It will be splendid. On a ferry boat. Everyone is bringing a date, you know. So I was wondering if you could accompany me. It'll be too embarrassing to go alone. But you don't have to come if you don't want because..."

"It's okay. I'll come with you"

"Irene's family is the host. Are you okay with that? Because Jungkook might be there?"

"I think I'll be okay"

"That's a relief. I'm tired of being known around as a loner. Okay for now, how about we play some games, since we're already done with food?"

"First, I have to clear all of this, and second, I don't really play games" I stood up, and started clearing the bags and plates.

"First, I'm going to help you with this so it'd be done in a jiffy. Second, you have to because you look really down and I need to cheer you up to see that cute smile of yours"

What would I ever do without you, Daniel. I thought.


I don't know if this story doesn't get any votes because it's shit or what but like...

Vote if you like it so it won't feel inferior at 1m reads and 5 votes 🤓

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