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So i moved to Seoul, came up with a fool proof way of avoiding Jungkook, all to find out in the end that he was my new boss.

"I.. Jungkook... i'm sorry about what..."

"Ofcourse you are, but as i said, you're late. Also, it's ill mannered to call your boss with his first name in this country so i hope you'll be careful next time" He stood up, and stood behind the chair.

"I will take care, Sir" I was relived seeing how he didn't want to talk about our past. But i wanted to know, was i really the reason.

"You're one of those employees who were sent here for further training so i am going to make sure that you are trained well enough and learn a lot before you leave" He smirked.

"Look, if it's about..." 

He took several long strides and was standing right in front of me, cupping my chin with so much force i thought it would leave marks.

"Are you that desperate to talk it out?" He looked intensely into my eyes. "Do you even remember me? Do you really remember what we had?" He squeezed my ass with his free hand as he said that.

"I said i'm sorry"

"No you aren't" He abruptly let go of me, almost pushed me away "but i'll make sure you are" He went back to his chair and seated himself. Then he sat there, rolling a pen between his fingers and staring at me while i was trying to fight back my tears.

"So, is there anything you want me to do or..?"

"First thing you need to do is, dress like the whore that you are"

I couldn't believe my ears. Mom called me whore all the time, you'd think i should be used to it. But hearing that word from his lips felt like a whiplash.

"I already hate your existence as it is, these clothes that you're wearing make it even more loathsome. So i will personally see to it that you're dressed the way i want. You can wear an overcoat when you're not in front of me. Second thing, you need to do everything i tell you the way i tell you to do it. Third, don't ever get late a second. You fail obeying anything i say, i'll fire you right away and you won't get a recommendation letter from here meaning your five years of services will go down the drain and you won't be be able to find another job. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Answer me damn it!"

"Yes sir" I almost choked on my tears.

"How pathetic. Get out of my sight now" He turned his back towards me. I dragged myself out of his office, unable to believe this was the guy i used to love.

Back in my small office, i almost collapsed on my chair. My heart ached like someone had stabbed it. Yes, i deserved all that he was saying to me, all he had done and was going to do to me. But it still hurt. I wished i had never met him in the first place because all that i had gotten out of knowing him was hurt. I wanted to resign so badly but those loans weren't going to pay themselves so i had to do exactly as he wanted. I couldn't let mom work herself to death for paying those loans.

The phone on my table started ringing. I picked it up.

"Get me a coffee, five minutes" He simply said and hung up.

I ran out of the office. Where was the damned coffee machine? I asked the receptionist.

"I don't think boss wants the one we make here. He usually gets his coffee from that cafe nearby..."

I rushed to the cafe.

"i need coffee for take away?"

"Which type?" The barista asked me.

"Ummmmm...." there it occurred to me, i had never asked which one he wanted.

"Whatever is popular here? Two varieties?" Just in case "But please hurry up?My life depends on it, like literally,"

I took the cups and started walking as fast as i could without spilling them.I reached his office and knocked. His cold voice told me to enter.

"Your coffee," I put both of them in his front.

"Machiato" He sipped one and threw it in the dustbin nearby. "Cuppucino" the second cup followed too.

"You didn't tell me.."

"You never bothered to ask. I always take Americano."

"I will get you an Americano" I nodded and left. Outside his office i broke into a run again. I got the one he wanted and made it back but the elevator was occupied so i had to use the stairs. I tried to catch my breath outside his office and knocked. I placed the coffee carefully on his table. He was staring at the screen of his laptop without acknowledging my existence. Finally his hand reached the cup and he took a sip. 

"Cold" He simply said and into the bin went that cup too."You're useless" He shook his head.

"I will get you another one..."

"No need. Just leave"

I nodded and was just about to exit.

"Wait. Come here"

I gulped and turned around. What did he want now?

He took out his wallet and pulled out a few cash bills. He waved them towards me.

"Here, take them. For the coffee"

I stood there gaping at him. How more was this guy going to insult me.

"It's... it's okay..."

"You do whatever i tell you to do or i fire you, remember?"

I shut my eyes closed. Just six months. As i tried taking the bills, his hand intentionally brushed against mine. Why was this man still capable of making me melt at his mere touch. Why couldn't i hate him after all this?

"Thank you" I said through gritted teeth and left. 

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