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"And the surprise news is... my daughter is getting engaged! With none other than the famous Jeon Jungkook!"

The spotlight now shone on Jungkook and Irene, while I felt like someone had just tossed me into the sea, a feeling of drowning taking over me. So. This was the end of our meaningless relationship. This was as far as he would go to break me.

"Finally the old man got what he wanted" Jimin sipped his champagne, unamused by the applause from the guests.

"Are you okay?" Daniel looked at me with concern, but my eyes were fixed on Jungkook. He was looking at me too. It was like a staring contest. No one was blinking, just looking at the other while trying to keep in touch with the surroundings as well. After putting the ring on Irene's finger, he finally broke eye contact with me, giving her a genuine warm smile. She smiled back at him, leaning in closer to put her head on his shoulder.

"I... I think I 'm getting sea sick... I'll just go to the restroom..."

"April, I swear I didn't know..."

"It's okay..."

I left hurriedly. On my way I stumbled onto something, maybe my own feet and bumped into a waiter. The tray he was holding went crashing to the ground, so did I. The liquid spilled all over my dress, but my head was too occupied to think about that.

"Are you okay?" someone asked.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She's drunk" a guy scoffed.

I was only mildly aware of the people murmuring around me, actually I didn't care whatever they were saying. Some were looking at me with pity in their eyes, others were scowling at how a young lady could behave like that but I didn't mindthem. I just had to get out of there. How I wished it wasn't a ferry, so I could have just walked towards the exit.

I collected all the energy I had left and got up. Without looking around, I walked as fast as I could. I just wanted to get away from there. I just wanted an escape...

Everything was a blur. I didn't even know why it hurt so much. Why was it so difficult to breathe. Somehow I reached the washrooms. I entered a cubicle and shut the door behind me. Only if I could shut the whole world outside too. Only if i could stop the tears...

He wasn't mine, never was. We were two people who should've never met. But still...

It hurt...

"April?" I heard Daniel's voice.

I placed a hand on my mouth, trying to muffle my sniffs.

"April!" It was Jungkook's voice, it sounded urgent and out of breath. Next there was a silence, and then Jungkook's voice yelled at Daniel "Why did you bring her here?"

"I didn't know you'd be choosing your life partner" Daniel's voice responded.

"Shut the fuck up you planned it!"

"I don't have to give you any explanations. If we weren't on a ferry, I would've taken her away from here by now. And from your life too."

"You think you can?" There was a loud thud, like someone bumped into the door.

"Maybe I couldn't, but you pushed her out of your life yourself. There is no reason for her to stay anymore."

"She never wanted to stay in my life. I brought her back and I will again!"

"How? As your mistress? Or do you plan to abandon your life long best friend Irene for her?"

"Don't you fucking dare..." another loud thud.

"I'm not scared of you Jungkook. I'm going to let my father sell Kang steel, just the way you want. I'm gonna leave Korea, with her"

"You can't!"

"Watch me," Daniel's voice was calm "I don't know what it's about, but the way you treat her, like trash, I won't take it anymore"

"You @#%@#$" I blanched at hearing the trail of curses Jungkook was erupting.

"This isn't a street in Busan where you can indulge in brawls at your leisure, so if you don't mind, keep your hands to yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and look for her since the ferry is probably back on the harbor"

There were footsteps moving out of the area.

I stayed there in silence for a moment or two, waiting for Jungkook to leave as well... but my phone started ringing.

It was from Jungkook.

I clenched my eyes shut. He had definitely heard my phone. He knew I was there.

"April, Open this God damn door right now!"

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