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His head snapped up as he saw me enter his office and a smile spread on his face. He leaned back in his chair, twirling a pen between his fingers.

"I thought you'd never come back" he said.

"I've come. But not back" I announced.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm here to give you a proper resignation letter" I placed the envelop holding my resignation letter on his table and folded my arms.

He sighed, putting down the pen.

"I told you, you can't resign"

"Why not?" I scoffed.

"Because.." He stood up, and next minute he had crossed the distance between us. He cupped my face gently, his lips having captured mine in a long, passionate kiss. His lips moved rhythmically against mine, seeking permission, and just soon as I opened them, the kiss got deeper. His tongue delved in and brushed on top of mine, waking a heat in my body that was only too familiar in his presence. As his tongue retreated slowly, mine followed, of it's own accord. As my tongue entered the hot cave, he started sucking on it. The feeling had my head spinning, making me close my eyes and moan his name out loud.

My arms were entwined against his neck, my body pressing into his, but somehow I wanted to be more close to him. I craved more of his touch, more of his warmth. More of him.

What are you doing to me Jeon Junkook?

"S-stop" I breathed, looking down.

"I can't." he said, holding my chin with his thumb, making me look up into his eyes. And as he saw tears in my eyes, he clenched his eyes shut and pulled me into himself, squeezing me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything" His chin rested on the top of my head as he craddled me in his arms. And I wished I could just forget everything. I wished I could stop time. But I was a mere human, with a past and a future that both hurt. Equally.

"It's not your fault. Nothing is your fault. It's just that we aren't meant together"

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook, you're engaged. You've a fiance"

"That.. April... I .."

"I can take all the hurt in the world from you. But I can't accept your love if it comes as charity"


"I'm sorry I couldn't say it back then, five years ago, but this time I will. Good bye Jeon Jungkook."

"April no..."

"I'm leaving for home soon. And I won't come back again. Ever."

Something in his eyes seemed to break. And then there was coldness again.

"It's because of that Daniel, isn't it?"

"You're unbelievable" I shook my head and walked out.

"I won't accept your resignation!" he shouted behind me "I won't let you go this easy, you hear me! I'm going to bring you back here no matter what so keep that in mind!"

And I tried not to think about what his next move would be as I hurried out of there, ignoring his voice.


For those who don't know why I stopped writing, I had a lot of plagiarism issues (someone copied whole chunks of two of my other stories) which kind of killed my motivation for now and I'm semi hiatus because it's just giving me too much of mental torture on wattpad. So I'm on a break hoping those people will grow up and come up with their own stuff instead of stealing from others and yeah, trying to be at peace.

I hope you guys can understand.

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