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Somehow, I made it through the week.

Daniel called Saturday evening and asked me what I was doing that Sunday.

"I was thinking maybe I should go out and check the city... maybe the palaces..." Because my "foolproof" plan of avoiding him was now lying in the depths of a trashcan anyway, and I had decided to go a little loose on myself, since nobody else would.

"Oh great! I love the palaces, I'll come with you... if you don't mind?"

"Uh... okay"

Hanging out with him was always fun, but still... somewhere in my heart it made me uneasy. It wasn't because I was still hoping I could get back with Jungkook. It was probably because that boy had predicted it too accurately five years ago, that I would never be able to fall in love with someone else and I didn't want Daniel to get hurt because of me.


It was almost a sunny day, because bright sunny days were rare. More rare since I had shifted here, bringing all my rotten luck to this city.

Daniel suggested that I rent a Hanbok ( traditional Korean dress ), and I would be able to visit all the palaces for free. I rented a really pretty, cream colored jeogori (the upper part, it was like a jacket) and mauve chima dress , complemented by a red ribbon.

"I hope I don't look too weird?" I asked shyly as I stood in front of him after wearing it (of course with a lot of help from the sales girls).

"Wow, you sure look like a princess!" He exclaimed, with a wide smile on his face. Though I tried to ignore it, something in his gaze was unsettling.

"So, where do we go first?" I asked.

"Gyeongbokgung, built in early fourteenth century..." he started.

"Whaaaat? And it's still here? What is it made of? I need to see this place!"

"Hey chill, we're going there anyway" He laughed at my over-excitement.


"IT WAS SO AMAZING!" We had just left the palace behind and I was still so excited I was practically dancing and yelling in front of Daniel while he followed, hands in his pockets, amused by my reaction.

"Alright I get it, you liked it"


"April be careful..." He tried to warn me but I had already stumbled over the first one of the stairs ahead of us. And I would've definitely fallen over my ass had someone not grabbed my wrist.

That someone was the guy I least wanted to see there. Jeon Jungkook. Accompanied by his other Noona, who had her arm entwined around his.

"Oh, it's your personal assistant, isn't it? Hello!" She waved at me. Jungkook seemed unfazed by her at the moment and held my wrist in a painful grip, his eyes focused on me only.

"Irene, what a pleasure" Daniel held out a hand.

"Daniel? Wow dude, you finally got yourself a girlfriend, and she looks so cute!" Irene took his hand gladly. So they were friends.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked me angrily, still holding my wrist with a grip so strong, it hurt.

"I asked her to..." Daniel tried to explain.

"I'm not talking to you!" Jungkook shouted at him.

"Hey guys chill! Jungkook you're scaring the poor girl. And it's her day off she can go wherever she wants!"

Wow, this Noona was pretty chill.

"I thought you wanted to stay inside your apartment at all times?"

"What's wrong with you Jungkook, let her be. Daniel, I will see you soon 'cause my dad is throwing another surprise party sometime soonish " She rolled her eyes cutely. "It was a pleasure meeting both of you. See ya!" She nudged Jungkook forward, whereas Daniel held my hand and soon we were at the top of the stairs.

I looked back but that turned out to be a mistake, because he was looking back at me.Our eyes locked and from his eyes, I knew we were soon going to have one hell of a conversation about the incident that had just happened. Still, I couldn't turn away my gaze until he completely disappeared at the bottom of the stairs.


Angry Jungkook is the best Jungkook!

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