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It's weird.

It's weird how things we see with our own eyes, and hear with our own ears turn out to be totally wrong. And that's what had happened to me.

I thought the truth was only what I could see, but there was a totally different side to the story that I missed. I didn't realize that he was getting more hurt with everything going on than I was.

He had a reason to well, pretend that he he was getting engaged to Irene. I had no reason to go to Daniel except the fact that I wanted Jungkook... hurt.

How admirable he was as a friend and how selfish and petty I was as someone who claimed to love him. Maybe the reason I had lost him was because I didn't deserve him. Maybe I just didn't deserve anything good in life. I worked hard, I tried to be selfless, Iwas good to people around me,still everything always went wrong because I didn't deserve good things.

It was true... I did not deserve a guy like him who could love me so hard, a guy who didn't give up on me even when I shattered his heart into pieces and left him after looking him straight in the eye... as if he meant nothing to me...

And all those things I said to him that day, telling him to go away from my life. I though I was the victim and he the perpetrator, but turned out we were both the victims of time, distances and circumstances.

And he was leaving...

He was leaving tomorrow.

Away from my life, just like I had told him to. And then, I would never feel his warm presence around me, his bright smile, his passionate kisses... nothing. It was all going to get replaced by emptiness... regrets...

Only if I had fought harder for him...

Only if I had trusted him from the beginning.

Only if I had thought about him as much as i did about myself.

I sat at the almost empty bar, tears running down my cheeks, not really aware of my environment. I couldn't care less if I was drunk and about to fall off my stool. The only thing I was aware of, was... he was leaving and I was unable to do anything.

He was leaving for someplace I didn't know about, and once he was gone, I would never get to know either. I didn't have the kind of money that would allow me to search for him and so... I was never going to see him again.

And then, his last memory in my heart would be him looking out of his car window with gentle, warm eyes at me, and myself glaring down at him with all the hate in the world.

Was that how he was going to remember me? A girl who broke his heart and then left him behind without a good bye, scoffing at his farewell?

"Ah sorry, I left my purse... hey y/n, what's wrong?" I heard the same now-familiar voice again.

It was Irene. I gave her a drunk smile and then I put a hand on my mouth as the retching started. She held my arm and guided me towards the washroom.

Thankfully, I didn't make a mess outside the cubicle. She stayed all the while and helped me clean up. She called her chauffeur and asked him to get me clean clothes, that I changed into.

Then she walked my stumbling form towards the lobby and helped me sit down

"Can you tell me your address? I don't think it would be safe to send you in a cab..."

Yes people, this was the girl I had hated on without a reason, just because I knew I couldn't win against her, only to realise later that there was no competition to begin with. I had been blinded by prejudice and jealousy, only to know that this woman was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

"Please don't be so nice to me I'm gonna hate myself more" I whined.

"Come on, tell me your address" she smiled at me.

"It's near that office... his office. But I didn't bring my kiwis"

"Keys? Haha Okay" she chuckled and took out her phone, dialing a number.

"Jungkook, you need to come here right now" she said into her phone.


Hello it's me again :)

So i just wanted to make this small announcement that i've published two new stories :)

Reply Me Not || Taehyung x Reader.

Description: Basically a chat story.

"Do you wanna see bobs and vagena?"
"I just choked on my champagne"

It was supposed to be your crush's number. How on earth did you end up texting Kim Taehyung, the Korean Royalty?

A chat story where you, a quirky and funny girl, accidentally text a rich heir who's fighting with depression and loneliness and the series of events that follow.

~sexual/strong language included.



Even If I Fade away || Jimin x reader.

Description: "I can remember the melody, i just can't remember name of the song. I remember the taste of your lips, i just don't remember how it got on my tongue"

When two completely opposite people are put in a strange situation, and against all odds, they fall in love.

But can they stay in love too, even when Jimin looses his memory of y/n, and she isn't allowed to help him find it?

How will Jimin deal with a situation where his heart tells him it's you, but his mind can't tell him why?

Edit: Oof I just wanna keep that A/N up there like... :')

Lights Of His City || Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now