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Saturday night and I didn't have to see him the next day. I decided to watch a movie, have a few cans of beer. Just any movie to take my mind off things. Deadpool happened to be the one i played.

While i was there watching Deadpool tell the landlady how his day had been as much fun as a sandpaper dildo, my phone started ringing.

"Hello," I picked up munching on my popcorns and throwing the second can in the trashcan  nearby. Well at least I tried throwing it in the trashcan. Like everything else in my life it didn't work.


"Yeah, sorry I am bad at recognising voices of people I don't know?"

"We met the other day, I'm Kang Daniel"

"Oh, Mr. Kang" I jumped up, as if he had actually appeared there in person.

"You can call me only Daniel"

Okay so what do you want, 'only Daniel? 'That's what i would have said few years ago but I wasn't that girl anymore.

"Are you, perhaps free tomorrow evening?" He asked.

  What do i do? Please don't ask me out! 

"Uh.. I have plans actually?"

"What plans?"

"Uh... doing... laundry?"

He laughed.

"Come on, say yes. I wanna take you out"


"I will pick you up at three pm then. Take care. Good bye!"

Unwanted date incoming. Prepare yourself to get embarrassed at a rate of fifty times per minute.

Why God. Just why.


True to his word he was there to pick me up the next day at three.

"How did you know this apartment was mine?" I asked him as I opened the door and found him standing there.

"I just had to ask 'Which apartment belongs to the pretty foreigner?' " He laughed. We walked together towards his car. He had a nice red convertible, that I recognised as a Porsche.

"What do you like to eat?" He asked casually as he pulled the seat belt across me.

"Uh... anything...?" 

"How about some fresh air?"


I nearly shrieked as his car sped out of there, while he laughed, amused by my reaction.

"Good girls" He shook his head.

Soon we were out of Seoul racing down wild country roads that I never thought existed. The air was fresh and my long hair had turned all messy but I was enjoying it. It felt so good, finally away from all that city life and it's mess. He stopped the car at a certain point and we both came out. He pointed towards west and there it was, a breathtaking view of the sunset.

"It's beautiful" I said, trying to memorise how the coloured clouds painted the sky, the pastel canvas stretching miles and miles above my head and not getting blocked out by a grey concrete building.

" I thought you would like it, so I brought you here"

"I love it! I just wanna stay here forever!"

"With me?" 

"Uh..." I blushed and looked the other way.

"I wanna know more about you April, would you like to open up to me?"

"I... don't really have anything to open up about. I'm just a mediocre person, with mediocre education, mediocre face..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a sec. Whoever the hell told you that? Or are you just trying to be modest about it? Or perhaps you want me to tell you how beautiful you are and what a magnetic personality you have?"

I looked at him, shooketh. He didn't look like a person who'd know how to say things like that.

"Alright. I will open up to you first. I always enjoyed sunsets too much. But in my circle, it seems no one really appreciates how mesmerizing it is. No girl ever wants to go watch a sunset, they want to go shopping, dine at fancy restaurants, or something like that. You are the only girl who genuinely liked it. I'm glad I shared this moment with you" He said.

"I could do this everyday! Thank you so much for bringing me here!" 

We kept talking. He told me about how he had always wanted to become a musician, but his parents wanted him to study law at Harvard, and that's what he ended up doing. About his family, his friends. I told him about my mom and how much I loved her. We stayed there for a while and then we made it back to the city.

He took me to a traditional Korean restaurant. We had an amazing dinner during which we didn't talk much. And then he drove me back home.

"Thank you for the wonderful time. I hope we could do this again?"

"Uh... your welcome? Thanks? Uh.. my job has weird timings so i don't know?"

Daniel, I don't wanna open up my heart to someone else. Because I don't wanna get hurt again. I don't wanna hurt someone else either.

He  leaned in and as if he had read my mind, whispered "Don't worry, I won't hurt you"

"See you," He waved me a good bye and drove off.


Thank you so much guys for showing this story so much love over the past week i'm so happy because of the amazing feedback i'm getting for this story! It really means so much to me!

I love you guys so much! You're the best! Please keep voting and commenting  if you like this story <3

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