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"Wait, that's not the complex where I live?" I asked as he pulled over near a fancy Italian restaurant. I could just tell by looking at the interior that this wasn't a place I wanted to dine at, if I had to pay for my food with my own money.

"You have helped me well past your working time, so I guess I could treat you to some good food." He smiled faintly. I could easily get used to that beautiful, carefree smile. That smile that wasn't as bright as the one I had grown to love five years ago but still was one of the most beautiful ones I had ever seen. It didn't reach his eyes, but it did reach my heart.

"What would you like to have?" He asked after we were seated at the table.

A faint memory of us, in this very city, eating spicy rice cakes hit me and I sighed, trying to suppress the pain it caused. Five years had passed by, and so much had changed. Still it felt the same, somehow. How would things have been, if I had not taken that plane?

"Are you here?" He waved in front of me.

"Yeah I... just..."

He sighed, and then looked in my eyes. His intense stare had me pinned down to my spot.

"Are you scared of me?"

"Huh? Uh... I..."

"I'm younger than you, you know"

"That's what I've been thinking. You're younger than me, but you always want control over me. You always manage to get it too." I wasn't sure whether it was a pout I had on my face or a frown. It was more like a frown I guess. Definitely a frown.

He bit his lower lip and stared at me a little too long, his head tilted to a side.

"What?" I asked.

"I just thought of something"

"What did you think of?"

"About the stuff I'm going to get for my playroom" he smiled mischievously, tapping the table with his fingers, and his head tilted back.

"Omg Jeon Jungkook you're impossible!!!"

"You'll have to call me sir though" he smirked.

"Thank you sir, but I think I should leave since..." I tried to stand up, grabbing my purse.

"I haven't done anything for you to thank me... yet" He held my hand and made me sit down again.

"Bet on it you ain't getting a chance either"

He ordered the food and we ate in silence. Occasionally I would see him watching me out of corner of his eyes, triggering my anxiety and self consciousness, making me panic about whether I had something stuck between my teeth or some food smudged on my face, but that was all. When the waiter brought the bill, I almost died out of shock at how expensive it had been but all he did was chuckle.

He drove me back to my place, and we stood outside for a while. The weather was cold as usual, but it did not bother me as long as he was here. With him, I felt warm, safe and complete.

"That food was way too expensive" I complained, trying to come up with something for conversation, what I actually wanted to ask him was, if he was married, but somehow, I couldn't. Maybe I didn't have the courage. Maybe I was too scared to know. They looked good together, and I didn't want to know if they were together in that way. Maybe I just wanted to stay in the dark, to postpone the pain it was going to cause me.

"I can afford that, you don't have to worry" he said, still smiling.

"I could've made us something at home"

"That would be something, let's try it next time"

"You're not coming in?"


"Oh, okay" I hung my head.



"Would you... like to, help me with the shifting?" He asked me, and then as if he thought I would refuse, added "It's not much though, I only have to take my clothes and personal stuff. I don't really have a home, you know"

"I'd love to..."



"Take care" he said in faint, soft voice and then turned around to leave.

"You... too..." I whispered to the cold air as I saw his car leave.



Seeing all of our boys with dark hair has made my day!

#euphoria #loveyourself #bangtanboys

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