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"Its 5 am in the morning are you serious?" I whisper-yelled into the phone at Jungkook, while trying to push away my mom's leg that tangled with mine.

Since I had only one bedroom, it was a very uncomfortable experience, sleeping together with her. She snored like a truck and I couldn't sleep a wink. Just as soon as my eyes had started getting heavy, my phone had started ringing and it was him of all people.

"Get down here. You have some explaining to do"

I changed into the nearest clothing and walked out into the cold Seoul morning.

"I'm so going to..." before I could finish yelling, he shoved me in his car without a word and soon was on his way.

"Where are you taking me?"

No answer.

"Are you trying to kidnap me? You better not because my mom will find you and probably take this pretty skin off from you"

He gave me a daring look (probably because he still didn't really know my mom) but nonetheless kept driving until we reached a beautiful landscape an hour latter.

He got out of the car and opened the door for me. As soon as I was out, he held my hand and started walking until we reached a point from where the beautiful view of the valley down below could be seen.

"Start talking" he said, arms crossed and eyes studying me.

"What do you wanna know?"

"What's going on with this marriage thing?"

"Daniel asked me to marry him"


"And I told my mom I was getting married two weeks from then while I was drunk"

"This doesn't even makes sense..."

"And so she's here, and Daniel said we'll get married or engaged... whatever in Jeju island two weeks from now"

He looked beyond disappointed. Almost miserable.

"How could you?"

"How could you Jeon Jungkook? You were the one who threw me away first. You sure have some nerve to question me!"

"I didn't..."

"Oh yes you did! You threw me away when you put that ring on her! You wanna know why the savage April is back? Because that is the April who doesn't care about you! You and your self proclaimed definition of love! I was the one who loved you, I kept so many things inside me just because I didn't want to hurt you!!

"I still love you, I never stopped"

"If you love me, why would you do all those things? You practically caged me here in this city, with no friends, no loved ones. I was all alone. On the top of that, you made each day torture for me, without thinking how would I cope with that. Do you know how many times I cried myself to sleep, all alone? With no one to talk to about it all? And when Daniel appeared and started to help me, you tried to..."

"So you really don't care anymore?"

"Yes. I have stopped caring about you Jungkook. I never thought it was possible but I don't love you anymore .This is stupid. So stupid. Why did I ever buy that damned lipstick? If I had not bought that stupid lipstick, I would be somewhere in my city, right now, probably married to a nice guy already. I would've never known that you exist in this world. I would've slept peacefully at nights. Yes, my life would've been boring, but at least peaceful."

"I could say the same thing too. If I had been filthy rich like him at that time, you would have never left me"

"If you had been filthy rich like him at that time, you'd have never met me in the first place"

"Do you love him though?" he narrowed his eyes.

"I'll learn to"

Eventually. Or maybe not. But does that matter?

"So... this is over? What we had?"

"We NEVER had anything. How I wish I had never gone into that rooftop room of yours that day. Or maybe just your agency had sent Yoongi instead of you in the first place. Or maybe I had just asked another agency. Or maybe I had just never landed in Korea"

"Or maybe had walked into that store half an hour latter so they would've already closed the contest and I would've never entered!" I continued "Or maybe my mom had never reminded me of that horsecrap interview and I had stayed in my apartment that day! God, you make me wish I was never born to begin with!"

"Is.. is that how much you hate me?"

"What do you think? After all those things I would still want to have anything with you?"

"Is there a way to fix this?"

"Yes. Leave me alone. That's how you fix this. I won't ask you to leave her because, you've already broken my heart and I know how much it hurts, I would never want that to happen to someone else"

"Are you sure? Do you really want me gone from your life?"

No, please don't go...


He nodded, and started towards the car. I followed. Nobody said a word until he brought me back. As I got out of the car and started walking towards my apartment, only then he called my name.


"What?" I scoffed, glaring at him.

"Good bye"

And then he left.


I just got done with the rough draft of epilogue for this story and i'm already in tears, it's been such a ride :')

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