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You opened your eyes after feeling a bit suffocated. You felt Jungkook's muscular arm lying across your chest and smiled. This guy was unintentionally going to suffocate you to death someday. You tried to push his arm off you but instead he turned you towards himself and pulled you in easily. You smiled at how he closed and opened his beautiful lips a few times and then dozed off again in your warm embrace.

It still felt like a dream whenever you thought about it. Before it happened, you had never thought in a hundred years you'd someday land in Korea, meet a guy there, take off without telling him and then he would change the course of destiny to bring you back and make you his.

That day at the airport, an year earlier, when you asked him not to leave and he stayed, felt like just yesterday. Later, you had very uncomfortable talks with your mom and very awkward ones with Daniel and his family but in the end, it was all settled. Few weeks latter, Irene's father passed away. It broke Jungkook emotionally but you were there for him all along.

Soon after that you collaborated with Jungkook's friend Namjoon and developed a free online game that earned millions and was so successful you got loads of job offers from various companies all over the world but you preffered to stay in Seoul with Jungkook. Your mom stayed too because she had fallen in love with the beautiful culture and beautiful people. She taught English at an academy. Before you knew all your loans had been paid slowly through your and your mom's hard work.

You helped him reconcile with his parents, who were the sweetest people alive on earth. As you became more and more fluent with your Korean, you realized they were so easy to get along with, compared to Daniel's parents. Daniel shifted to the U.S and you rarely heard from him anymore.

Then the big day had finally arrived when Jungkook proposed and you said yes breathlessly. It wasn't the first time you got proposed, but it was definitely the best. You covered your mouth as a gasp escaped your lips when he got on his knees, opening the small, black velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring. That was when you discovered what jelly legs meant. It was all too good to believe. The wedding happened soon after and here you were, on your honeymoon, in Italy.

He had planned it all himself. First stop had been Turkey and you had loved the beautiful country and its hospitable people. Next had been Italy where you were staying five days. Most people there reminded you of his friend Jung Hoseok, loud and cheerful. Out of those precious five days two were spent in Tuscany. Third you went to Milan where you hunted historical places while he kept buying original Gucci stuff for his friend Taehyung. And finally you were here, in a beautiful villa that offered a breath taking view of Lake Como.

You had to leave for Switzerland in the evening. You had already done all the packing and wanted to spend the rest of the day looking at the lake.

"Awake huh?" you heard his husky, smooth voice and looked at him. It still felt unreal.

You nodded, tears swimming in your eyes.

"Are you crying?" he asked, pushing your hair backwards. His own hair was a mess thanks to all the pulling and tugging that had happened the night before.

"They're called tears of joy. I never thought anything would work out, but here we are"

"I told you I would make everything work"

"I love you" you said, engaging your fingers in his hair and looking at him with so much love you thought your heart would burst from it.

Having the man you loved so close to you, his breath mingling in yours, his fingers linked with yours... it wasn't something everyone in the world could have. It was something only a very few, very lucky people could get.

"Is that so? How about we prove that practically?" he smirked, caressing your arm suggestively with his knuckles.

"Hey!" you slapped his hand playfully and turned your back towards him, blushing ferociously.

"Come on baby, don't be shy" his hands slipped below the sheets around your waist. Dammit, where were your clothes?!

You gasped as his naked chest pressed against your equally bare back and a welcomed heat flooded you. He slowly kissed the back of your neck, making you moan out his name when he reached just below your ear.

"Turn around beautiful. Let's do some morning cardio" his husky voice demanded and you knew what he meant.

"Jungkook! I need to have a breakfast and sh..."

"Well, you see I'm not the eighteen year old Jungkook who would let you walk away after you cause trouble down his pants. You are my wife now and you have to take care of the beast once you awaken it"

"Okay but just....mmmhhhh" you moaned as he turned you around and took your lips in a passionate kiss while his hands caressed your back.

The lake can wait, you thought as you kissed him back and let your fingers entangle his hair again.


Birthday advice 🎂🎂🎂

Look my children, if you ever find someone who loves you genuinely, never take it for granted.

Give them all, give them your everything. Love is a very precious thing so if you ever come by it, cherish it.

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