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"April" He kept banging the door.

He had heard the ringtone and knew I was there.

"April please come out and listen to me!"

Daniel called next and asked where I was. From Jungkook's shouting in the background he figured it out and soon he was there too. When he (Daniel) asked me to come out, I opened the door and walked out with as much dignity as I could manage, avoiding any eye contact with Jungkook. Note to self : never get a smokey eyes makeover again, specially to events where someone you love is expected to attend too. You could end up looking like a panda, or worse, like you got beat up in a gang war.

Daniel held my hand and started walking but had to stop abruptly because Jungkook had grabbed my other hand. He looked back at Jungkook holding my hand. I couldn't catch what it was that I saw in his eyes, but it definitely wasn't something pleasant.

"I'll wait outside" He said and walked away.

I pulled my hand out of Jungkook's grip and started walking outside.

"Don't go" I heard his voice behind me. It wasn't the usual cold, arrogant voice he used to talk to to me. It was different. It sounded desperate and broken. How could someone like him be desperate and broken?

I continued towards the door anyway. Suddenly I felt his hands around my waist, pulling me into him, in a strong back hug. My back, almost frozen from the cold weather and stress, welcomed his body heat as if it had been waiting for this all along. Maybe my whole existence had been waiting for this.

"Don't go" He nuzzled my neck and I could already feel my knees giving way. The heat from his chest was already melting away my resistance and I didn't have it in me to tell him to stop. After all he had done, after every hurt and every wound he had caused me and my heart... it was still beating for him. Him and him only.

"What if I don't? What is going to change if I stay?"

No answer.

"Let me go Jungkook. Daniel is waiting for me.."

"Please don't go" he pulled me in tighter. The way his hot breath grazed my neck, the way his hands rested on my lower abdomen possessively, the way he pressed himself against me, made his offer all too tempting.

But he belongs to someone else now, a voice inside my head whispered.

"Just tell me one thing..." I hesitated for a moment before asking, not sure if I was ready to break even more or not.

"Do you... love her?" The words left my lips automatically. I had never intended to ask him that. Why did I...?


That was all it took. One word. One word and I pushed his hands away.

"April listen..." He tried to hold me again but I had already walked out. Towards Daniel. As fast as I could.

"Let's go" I held his arm and practically ran out of there.


Another beautiful cover by Mramelade 😍😍😍

Another beautiful cover by Mramelade 😍😍😍

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