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"How do you tell if you did THAT or did not do THAT?"

Next day i woke up because i couldn't breathe. As i opened my eyes, i saw his head placed comfortably in the crevice of my neck and the rest of him on top of me. I tried to push him off me but with little success. All that movement caused him to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me as if he was still dreaming. As the awkwardness of the situation dawned on him he jumped up.

"I'm so sorry i must've .. just... dozed off..."

"uh..." I sat up too.

"I will just leave..."

"You can have the breakfast... it's free..." I mumbled awkwardly.

"I'll just take a shower then... if you don't mind?"

"Completely fine by me" I nodded. As soon as he left for the washroom i dialled my mom and the first thing i asked was how to know if THAT had happened or no.






"Sex" I whisperd.

"What? I can't hear you"

"Sex. Mating. One night stand"



"HOW CAN YA NOT KNOW IF YOU DID THAT OR NO!!" she yelled extra loudly.




"Hmm. Well, It depends a lot on whether you have had any before or no"

"No.Never happened before."

"Are you feeling sore or somethin'?"

"What do you mean by sore?"

"Aches, pain?"



"But that's because i fell on my ass yesterday"

"Any marks on your body?"

I clumsily looked for them, but didn't find any.

"Um any signs of blood on your bed?"

"Let me check"

I started checking the bed sheets, with my ass up high in the air when the washroom door opened and he came out just as i told my mom there was no blood. He looked at me with something that looked like disappointment in his eyes.

"Uh..." I dropped the phone before i could hang up.

"I think i'll just leave. No need for breakfast"


"No April, you don't have to worry about anything. Nothing happened between us last night. You dozed off and i was just here thinking maybe you would need some help moving around during the night but i fell asleep, on your bed. Sorry for that. Here are your keys" He placed them on the table and left, just like that.


I called the agency, telling them that i did not need their services for the next two days. On the third day, they sent another travel guide, Min Yoongi. Yoongi was pretty amazing. But, he didn't like moving too much. And mostly would zone out while i was talking to him

"So this is our last destination the famous Cheonggyecheon stream. You can look around i'll just sit here and wait for you"

"Yoongi, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah sure, go on"

"Can you please tell me how to contact Jungkook..?"


"Please....? I really need to talk to him??"


Fifteen minutes latter i was standing in front of a small rooftop room.

I cleared my throat and knocked. And again.

"Wae..." He came out, with one shoe on and trying to put on another.

"Oh, it's you" he looked at me for a while, as if not sure i was real.

"I came here to tell you... that ... that... i'm really sorry"

"Hmm" He folded his arms and looked at me with his head tilted to one side.

"I didn't mean it like that... i just... i didn't know if i had ... and i was feeling bad about... i thought i must have forced myself on you... and i didn't want you to feel bad too by asking you... i mean even if something had happened between us i would feel more bad for you than i would for myself because... what i am trying to say is... i am really really sorry."

"I understand"

"Uh? Oh, um yeah that's what i came for i uh... yeah. Well, it was my last day here anyway so... um, bye" I nodded and turned around.

"Don't go..." I heard him say as i took the first step. Before i could comprehend anything, he had grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me into himself. His lips came down hard on mine and it felt like somehow, unexpectedly... for the first time in my entire life, something right had happened. Like i was home. He sucked on my lower lip, gently tugging every now and then, and his strong arms were carrying me again to bed, this time his. He kicked the door with his foot and landed me on the bed, inside that small but cozy room. He crawled on the top of me and roughly pushed my hair backwards.

"Don't go Noona. Please..." He said as he kissed me again, this time more passionately.

"Jungkook... i..."

"I don't want to let you go... stay with me..."

I knew what he was trying to say... but i couldn't understand. I was too high on the feeling of how he dominated me, his hands pinning my wrists to the bed and his body grinding lightly on me. I moaned his name, and it seemed to intensify the atmosphere of that small, cramped rooftop room.

"You're mine" He hissed in my ear. "Only mine. I won't let you go away. Do you understand?"

I nodded, breathing heavily. His lips traced the line of my neck and sucked harshly when he found my sweet spot. My brain was slapping my heart every now and then, telling it to wake up but that guy had done to me what no one else could in twenty years. He had drugged my entire being. And the need to be there, in his arms, letting him do to me whatever he wanted, was stronger than any logic my mind could come up with.


Everyone please pray for my damned soul i'm going to hell for writing this and the coming chapters 😅

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