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"Take it off" He ordered me as he hurriedly took off his own shirt and threw it to a corner. I timidly opened the buttons of my shirt and pulled it down my shoulder slowly. Stop April. Stop it before it's too late. He came down on me again and started kissing me all over, while his hands traced my bare skin.

"I thought you'd never come back" His voice was hoarse with emotions. "And i didn't know how was i going to live, knowing that the girl i want to kiss and make love to, is so far away from me" i felt a drop fall on my shoulder and i gasped as i realized it was a tear. Did he really love me so much? Did i feel the same for him or was i only attracted to him physically? Was i really going to stay with him?

His fingers slipped under my shorts and i felt him there. I needed to sort this out, but more than that... i needed him to continue what he was doing. It had started raining outside, i could hear the raindrops beating against steel rooftops and glass window pans, but i knew that my heart was making more racket, as his lips brushed against my sensitive skin and his finger knew exactly how to turn me into a moaning mess.

"You won't leave right? Stay here with me. I know it's... not much but i can make it work. You don't even have to do a job here, i'll do everything. I'll help you complete your education.You can join a university here. I want to love you, protect you, complete you..." his husky, sweet voice said in my ear and then he bit on my ear lobe, sending shivers down my body. My nails dug in his back but he didn't seem to mind.

"I'll make everything work. I'll give you everything you need" He pressed his lower body onto me as he said that and i felt the hard bulge there. My throat went dry. It wasn't a light hanky panky going on here. This was serious. He was going to do THAT to me, and i needed to find out exactly how much i was ready to pay for it. Was i ready to leave my beloved mother, my shitty career, and everything i had known all my life for him? Was i ready to leave people i had known all my life for a guy i had known for a few days?

What if it's just his raging hormones and ten days latter, or maybe ten hours latter, i'm again at the airport ?


"Yes baby?" He pushed my hair back and looked into my eyes.

"I'm.. i am scared..." i hiccuped as a tear rolled down my cheek. He genuinely seemed concerned.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I won't do anything you don't like. It's just that... i like you so much and i know, i swear i know i'll never fall for anyone like i have fallen for you. That's why i want you to stay. And i know that you feel the same way too. You may or may not be sure of it but i know you can't love someone else either so there is no point in going back. So just do as i say. Don't leave."

"What if it didn't work out?"

"I'll make it work out. I will make everything work out. I promise you i'll make you the happiest woman on earth... All you have to do is trust me"

"I don't know..."

He shifted to my side and pulled the sheet to cover me.

"I know it doesn't make sense now, but just listen to me and it will. It's all just happening too quickly for you and so you're unable to process it. Take your time. Stay with me a few days and you can make your decision... about what you feel for me..."

"I think i feel about you exactly the same way you feel about me" I snuggled closer to him and placed my arm on his chest. He looked down at me and smiled.

"I hope you do" His eyes shone brightly. I took a deep breath and before i knew it, i had fallen asleep in his arms.


I could feel a phone vibrate somewhere around me. I opened my eyes and found myself right on top of Jungkook. Can we ever sleep together without weird positions? I looked for the phone, and silently went to the tiny washroom to answer it without waking Jungkook up.


"Mom, i need to talk to you about something"


This is the woman i want to consult about major life decisions, i thought.

"Mom, i think i should stay here a few more days because..."



"YO APPOINTMENT LETTER CAME THE OTHER DAY AND I HAD TO SEND IN AN APPLICATION FO TWO DAYS OF LEAVE. If ya do not make it here on time, guess who gonne loose this one? And bitch good luck finding another one. No one other than yo stupid ass knows how hard it is to find a job in this shit economy."



I checked the time. I still had an hour and a half to get to the airport and get on that plane. But i needed to check out at the hotel and get my stuff. Or should i just forget about the job, my mom, throw my phone out of the window and live here, just like he wanted me to? I shook my head as i came out of the washroom and looked at his peaceful, sleeping figure. It felt like i had a knot in my airway, and i couldn't breathe. My tears fell silently as i sat in the corner furthest from his bed and watched him through my tear filled eyes.

I had to make a decision and i had to make one really fast.

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