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I couldn't believe I was standing in his penthouse, in his bedroom, helping him arrange his wardrobe. He was wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans, which was refreshing to see because till now, I had always seen him wearing suits. The informal dress was making him less intimidating, and I was able to breathe more. It was almost like five years before.


"You sure have loads of clothes for someone who was literally homeless up till now" I said, trying to reach up and hang his clothes up in the wardrobe.

"You sure didn't have much for someone who ownes an apartment" he replied, taking the clothes from me and putting them up there because it was a bit high up for me. His back literally touched mine and I couldn't help blushing for some God damned reason. I quickly got out of his was and saw a glimpse of a naughty smile on those perfect lips.

"I-I don't have much even now. I'm talking about proper clothes like I'm wearing right now." A red t-shirt with a huge black sweater and black skinny jeans. "Those tissue papers that my boss sent me aren't really much"

"You... don't like them?"

"Oh I love them, except that they're almost invisible and I feel almost naked. I'm sure feeling naked in public isn't really something I fantasise much about"

"I... just didn't want you to feel... inferior to your other female colleagues so I..." He scratched his head and started putting up the other hangers. His sleeves stretched against his muscles and I stood there appreciating his biceps like damn.

"Although I do like the way you look in them, just the way I'm sure you're feeling right now" He turned back towards me and leaned against the frame.

"Wha... uh... omg, you sure have a high opinion about yourself" I rolled my eyes.

"You know what Christian Grey does whenever Anastasia rolls her eyes?" He said, looking into my eyes, approaching me slowly. I gulped. Why did I ever mention Christian Grey to him.

"I d-don't know what you're talking about..." I started backing up, trying to avoid his eyes. No way in hell was I going to get spanked by a guy two years younger than me.

"You know very well" his voice had become husky.

"Okay but Christian is older than... omg Jeon Jungkook you are not serious..." I looked around for an escape as I saw him getting nearer and with a loud playful shriek I started running around the room while he tried to catch me.

I threw a pillow at him and he dodged. But his legs were longer than mine and so he was faster than me. He caught me just near the door around my waist, almost like a back hug.

"Let me go you pervert" I laughed, trying to smack his hands away.

"After trying so hard to catch you, how can I just let you go, hmm?" he breathed against my ear. My laughter died and I swallowed hard, feeling the heat from his chest on my back. Why did he always chose phrases with a double meaning?


He turned me around and cupped my face gently.

"I need my reward" He said, looking at my lips.

Oh God...

His lips started nearing mine. I closed my eyes, ready to get drowned in that dark, beautiful pleasure he had introduced me to, five years ago. That dark, consuming pleasure I had yearned for, for so long.

But it didn't happen.

Because my stupid phone started ringing just exactly before his lips could meet mine and it broke the charm of that moment. In that moment I just wanted to toss down my phone in the toilet and flush it too.

"Who's it" He asked, obviously annoyed.


Daniel Kang. You just didn't ruin my kiss. I had a hard time, trying not to curse that guy who had been nothing but nice to me since the day I first met him.

"Well? Are you going to pick it up or no?" He started walking back towards the wardrobe. I rejected the call and followed him.

"It's not an important one"


Since it had gotten late, he ordered Jjajangmyeon and we sat there cross-legged, on the floor, right in front of the tall glass walls. Seoul sure looked great at night. The lights of his city indeed were magical.

"It took more time than I expected," he said, munching on the noodles without a care.

"Good for you it's Sunday, or you'd be whining about how you lost a whole day"

"I work on Sundays too, so technically, I did loose a whole day"

"Not my fault, you wanted a home" I shrugged and dug in.

"It's not a home. Not yet"

"Hmm, I know. It takes a good while to find a home. And just a few seconds or just one bad decision to loose it"

"You can always get it back if you're sincere"

"It doesn't work like that. Life is too unfair..."

"I know" he sighed.

I studied his face in that moment. He had grown so much, grown so much mature and... sad. He... had changed.

"Well, since it's getting late, I'll leave now. Thanks for the food." I got up, trying not to let my feelings show.

"I'll take you there, and... we'll talk some more" He stood up too and smiled. In that smile I could see the promise of forgiveness and maybe a better tomorrow.

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