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Sometimes, pain takes over your head such that there is no room left for reason.

That's exactly what happened to me.

I told Daniel I didn't want to use him, but he said it didn't matter.

"Who knows, maybe you'll eventually fall in love with me?"

"I wouldn't, I know..."

"It's at least worth a shot, isn't it? Jungkook has moved on, maybe you should too..."

So I agreed to think over it. The proposal wasn't romantic, my heart didn't flutter at his words, I didn't feel butterflies in my stomach. But I accepted it to numb the pain that Jungkook had caused me.

After I got back home, I downed a bottle of vodka and typed a resignation letter like the intellectual that I had become. An intellect without bra or pants.

To: Boss
Subject: Fuck you

"Dear mr. assholy,
i resign ok?

becauseyou sock!

because you are a shellfish little cu*t whos only thinks ab8 him humbhfgd

                                                                                    sincerely NOT yours


P.S: i hope you burn in hell.

"Satisfying " I grinned as I clicked send and leaned back in my chair.

I received a reply right away.

From : Boss
Subject: Are you crazy.

I need to see you at work tomorrow and don't you dare get late.
Good night.

"This guy" I said as I started typing.

He still thought I would want to work for him. After everything he did. After he...burned every single bridge that connected us. After he got rid of that vague, nameless relationship we had that no one in the world cared about, but was everything to us. Maybe because it didn't matter to him. Maybe the only person that got hurt in all of this was me. Just me.

So lean back, stretch your arms, start the battle by hitting the keyboard.

To: Boss
Subject: I said fock you

What you isgoing to see s my midddle fingor


From: Boss
Subject: What's going on.

Are you drunk?


To: Boss

Subject: Fucc offff

whar s it to you you can go tto thbnghgdsx


From: Boss
Subject: ???

You need rest. Take tomorrow off. But that's it. You already had your three weeks of leave, now it's time to come back to me.


To: Boss

Subject: Did i already said fuvk you?

i is not coming bag to you bcghdr.


From: Boss
Subject: You need rest.

Y/n, be a good girl and go to bed.


To: Boss

Subject: i am running out of curses

Who are you? my daddy?


From: Boss
Subject: Are you asking or suggesting.



To: Boss


But I never found out if I wrote the last words or my head hit the keyboard as I passed out.

Next day I got up with my body sore as hell from staying at the table all night, and the embarrassment of seeing those messages added insult to the injury I was suffering from. They added further to my determination of never going back there.

"I hope he didn't take screenshots" I murmured to myself. As I checked for more drunk emails, I realized the blunders I had done.

I had texted Rebecca and mom, informing them about a wedding. Also, I had formally invited them to Korea for an "emergency wedding" that was supposedly happening two weeks later.


Hi sorry for the late update I'm officially on hiatus but since all of you were asking for updates I had to drag this draft out 😸 Also please vote and comment for this story <3

A gorgeous cover by @VidhiR03 😍😍😍 Thanks gurl 💜

A gorgeous cover by @VidhiR03 😍😍😍 Thanks gurl 💜

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