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From "it's okay, I'm not gonna cry, I am a strong girl" to wailing like a dying goat in my mom's arms, there was a gap of only ten minutes.

I cried as much as I could, my excuse being that I had lost my job. I didn't want to tell her that it was not the job that I regretted loosing but oh well, you can't make a man who loves another woman and is her fiance too, want you.

And I didn't have the kind of conscience that was gonna be okay with being in an affair with a guy officially engaged to another woman.

I spent the next two days in misery while Daniel took my mom out to show her the city. She grew so fond of him soon that every word leaving her lips started with his name.

She had already decided the names of her grandchildren and was hunting ferociously for a wedding gown that would suit her princess of a daughter.

Friday night arrived and my nervousness peeked. How was I ever going to meet his parents? And convince them that while I loved another man, didn't know much about their culture and let alone their family, had minimal education with no professional degree and had zero or probably negative bank balance (due to all those loans,) I was still a suitable choice for their only, handsome, highly educated son?

I chose a descent outfit and put some light make up on. Mom had already called a cab for me. In the past few days she had gotten better acquainted with the city than I had in almost six months. She loved it here and didn't want to go back.

"Make sure to impress them" she told me.

"I don't know how to!"

"Well ya impressed the son, sure ya can impress the parents too"

"I don't know how I impressed him either!"




"Ah fine! I'll try!"

"Take the keys with ya, I'm gonna stay with a friend tonight"

"You made a friend? And you're already on staying over night terms with them?"

"Ofcourse! I ain't a loner like ya! Now get moving, I don't want ya to screw this up by getting late"

She literally pushed me outside. I looked at he in pure agony as she slammed the door in my face, walked down defeatedly, hired a cab and reached the destination, an elegant Italian restaurant.

Only there I discovered I had forgotten the keys. I decided to stay at a sauna or something for later but before that I had more important matters at hand.

Daniel met me at the enterance and led me in to the private area we were supposed to dine. His parents arrived some fifteen minutes later.

His mother was a gorgeous and elegant lady, with high cheek bones and a glowing fair complexion. The navy blue dress she was wearing made her even more beautiful.

Daniel's father was a serious, sober looking man in his middle fifties. We shared greetings and took our seats.

This is wrong, I shouldn't be here. I kept thinking.

I felt like crying, I could feel the tears just near the border of my eyes but I had to control it all.

This is not how it's supposed to be...

Why is this happening to me?

What have I ever done to deserve this?

"So, you don't live permanently in Korea, Y/N?" his mother asked me.

"Uh no, I'm here because of..."

A jerk who claimed to love me, but abandoned me midway. Got engaged to another girl. Probably because of their secret child. Would...

"Because of...?"

"My job. I have... had a job"


"She resigned" Daniel told them.

There was an awkward silence for a long while. Then she shared her opinions about business and fashion. I had none so I just listened. Another round of silence followed.

"She's very good at uh..." Daniel looked at me, trying to think of something.

"Uh..." I didn't know what I was good at either so i stared blankly at him.

"That thing with the..."

"Yes, that thing..." I tried to co operate.

"It's called uh..."

"I'm sure there is something she's good at. For now let's eat" His father gave us a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

We ate in silence, and occasionally Mrs. Kang would comment on the food or some other stuff. I wanted the dinner to end, but it didn't look like I was going to get my wish fulfilled anytime soon.

First, there was a weird appetizer. Then, they served an equally weird soup, followed by two more courses. Before they started the main course I was already full.

That was my first time going through a six course meal and I had no idea i wasn't supposed to not eat appetizer as if it was the first and last thing getting served. But since, I can eat incredible amount of food, I kept stuffing my mouth anyway.

An eternity later, the dessert was served and I sighed in relief when it ended.

"I think our chef makes better food than that, don't you think?" Mrs. Kang asked Daniel.

"It's fine" Daniel snapped at her.

"I'm glad you can eat so well y/n darling, we usually..."

"I will escort her now, if you don't mind?" He stood up.

"Very well then,"

I thanked them for the dinner and breathed as soon as I walked out. Daniel offered to take me home but I didn't want him to. I told him I had stuff to do and so he just left.

I wanted to think. Was my life always going to be like that? That kind of atmosphere, where every word and action is calculated... that would end me in less than two years!

I was just about to exit when someone placed a hand on my shoulder.


Beautiful cover by @jeonggukxk 😍😍😍 Like look at these bombass aesthetics I'm in love 😍😍😍

Beautiful cover by @jeonggukxk 😍😍😍 Like look at these bombass aesthetics I'm in love 😍😍😍

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