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Tears were blinding me. I didn't have the courage to accept this.

He has given up on me, I thought.

I clutched the paper in my hand, eyes shut, crying silently. He was going to leave me just like I had left him, thinking that he was holding me back. I swept my tears with a sleeve, as I got up. This wasn't the time to cry. I looked around feverishly. I had to go to him, I won't let him leave me.

Even if it came down to nothing, I still had to fight.


"MOM OPEN THE DOOR OR I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!" I reached my apartment and kept banging. I knew she was in there because I had heard her swearing at the t.v.

"Hey honey chill what's wrong..." as soon as she opened the door, I rushed in. I started looking in the drawers, on the table, under the couch, everywhere, throwing things in random directions.

"What's going on? Did ya win the lottery and loose the ticket?"

"Call Daniel and ask him for Irene's number!" I had tried him already with little success, but maybe I was still hoping for a miracle.

"Well Daniel hasn't been picking any calls from me since last night. And who's this Irene?"

"Nevermind" Irene didn't know where he was headed anyway, but maybe his close friends did.

I feverishly searched for it, turning the whole apartment upside down, until I found it in the drawer of my side table.

Dr. Jin's business card. He had given it to me when he came to check up on me and tended to the wound on my wrist.

"Dr. Kim Seokjin?" I asked as soon as he picked up my call.


"I need to know, where is Jungkook right now?"

"Uh... it's... I'm sorry I can't tell you..."

"Doctor, if you don't want me to personally visit your clinic and burn it down, you have to tell me BECAUSE I'M THIS CLOSE TO LOOSING IT!!"

"Look, it's too late okay? Even if I tell you that he was supposed to leave for Malaysia from Incheon airport..."

"Thank you!" I hung up the call and picked up my converse. There was a lot of running ahead.


The airport was more crowded than usual. Where was I going to find him? He probably had left already. I had to check out the international departures and find out.

I looked wildly around, searching for the face I loved. A tall, sexy guy with a bunny smile. A smile that can lift up your mood and a smirk that can make your throat go dry with desire. A guy that was going to be there for me no more...

Even now that I had found out where he was headed, there was no chance I'll be allowed on the airside without tickets and travel documents.

As I was looking around, still hoping against hope to find him, a tall guy bumped into me while headed towards the airside. Several people had bumped into me since I entered there, but this guy, why did I feel that sudden shock? That sudden warmth? I turned around and looked at him. There were several other passengers around him but I knew it was him.

It felt like deja vu, except that the roles had been switched.

"Jungkook!" I shouted at the top of my voice. Several people looked in my direction, thinking I was crazy.

"Junkook wait!" I tried to run towards him but a guard held me. "No please let me go!"

"Miss do you have the tickets and documents to board an international flight?"

"Please! Jungkook! Come back! Please don't leave!" I kept shouting. The tall guy turned around and I saw him. It was Jungkook indeed. His eyes were sad and his pursed lips. He looked at me for a moment, taking in my appearance and then he turned back again.

"No please!"

"Miss, I'll have to ask you to leave"

I slowly walked out of the there. I wasn't even trying to hold back my tears. This was what I had done to him, and this was exactly what I deserved.

No more, no less.

It was karma.

I kept wailing as the guards let go of me. I just sat there, head on my knees, my hands covering my eyes and kept crying with a loud, probably very annoying sound.

"Till how long do you intend to sit in this position?" I heard a soft, sweet voice.

I didn't even look up, I didn't even give him time to comprehend. I just stood up and jumped him, my legs around his waist. Kissing him deeply.

"Whoa whoa whoa" he said as I ended the kiss. " People are watching!"

"I don't care." I said breathlessly, studying his beautiful face. "You didn't leave?"I asked.

"My flight got delayed. It's strange how things try to bring us together and both of us try to pull away from each other"

"I won't do that anymore, I don't wanna be away from you." my voice was a hoarse whisper.

"I hope so" he smiled, still holding me as he gently touched his forehead with mine.

"Will you stay?" I asked after a while.

"Depends on what your plans are. Since I've missed my flight, do you intend to explain what you have in mind?"

"I will tell him I can't marry him. I wanna... stay with you. Here. In Seoul. Forever"

"Why?" he asked, biting his lip, staring into my eyes.

"Because I love you! Jeon jungkook I love you so freakin' much!"

"I love you too, Y/F/N. Let's get you home" he said as he pecked my lips.

"Huh?" I asked, sliding down from his waist.

"You're moving in with me. I've to make sure you don't run away from me again!"

"Yes sir!" I managed a military salute and he roared with laughter, pulling me in a bear hug.

"Good girl! You should listen to me just like that!" he patted my head.

Home was here, amidst the lights of his city.


Why is my mind constantly replaying Taehyung saying " Jack! Come back". This is so not right.

Epilogue ahead!

Edit: Happy Birthday to me 😅😅😅

And this beautiful pretty cover by @zzxdiee_14 is just so awsome 😭😭😭😍😍😍 Thank you so much sweetie 😭😭😭😭 I'm so proud of you for being so talented 👏👏👏

And this beautiful pretty cover by @zzxdiee_14 is just so awsome 😭😭😭😍😍😍 Thank you so much sweetie 😭😭😭😭 I'm so proud of you for being so talented 👏👏👏

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