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"What did he say?" was the first thing Daniel asked me when we got back in his car.



"He told me he loved her. So I left"

"You can open up to me, you know"

"I left him, we didn't have much of a conversation"

"You did good April. He always belonged to Irene. Everybody knows that. It was her father who helped him get to where he is now, and he'd do anything for both of them. Any girl who ever gave him her heart ended up being tossed aside because for him, it's only Irene"

I nodded. What else could I do?

"Why don't you say something?"

"I don't have anything to say"

"You should resign from your job"

"I think I will. Definitely"

"Good. I know loads of people who could use a good graphic designer. I'll introduce you to them. We'll go to the U.S as soon as possible..."



"You don't have to come with me. I just wanna go back and take care of my mom. I think I know a little about how you feel for me, but I... I don't feel the same for you. You are a good friend, but that's it. I don't wanna hurt your feelings but I guess not being honest about mine would do more harm. I'm so sorry"

"Is it because of Jungkook?" I could sense a sadness in his voice.

"I don't know. But I don't wanna play games with you. I can't choose you just because you're the only good option left. I'll never be able to look in the mirror if I did. Yes, I need you now more than I ever did... but I guess holding onto you just because I'm  all alone now would be unfair to you. I'm sorry."

"Is that how much you love him? That you don't even wanna be comforted after having your heart broken to pieces by him?"

I sighed.


The car stopped with a loud screech.

"What's wrong?" I jumped.

"I think it's the tire. " he gave me a tight lipped smile and got out of the car. "I'll check it, don't worry. We'll be good to go in five minutes" he said.

I closed my eyes while he checked the tires. The events of the night still fresh in my mind, I couldn't stop thinking what was Jungkook trying to play at, and why had he pulled me into it as well. I was still trying to solve this puzzle when I heard a loud thud.

"Are you okay?" I asked through the window. There was no answer. I opened the door and got out.

"Hey Daniel?" I asked, as I walked towards the back of the car. I saw him bent there, holding his hand.

"I think I hurt my hand." he gave me a painful smile.

"How did you hurt it?" I asked, taking it in my own. It was badly bruised, and was already all purple.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry" He got up "It's cold, you should've stayed inside the car"

"I'm fine. But..."

"Just get inside the car"

"What about the tire?"

"The problem wasn't with the tire. It was something else. Although it's too late to repair that, I think I can still get you home"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you wish you could hurt him like he hurt you?" He turned to me with a serious expression.


"Marry me" he said simply.


Oof three beautiful covers all in one day 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 I can't wait to put them all up but everyone is going to get their fare share of time 😍😍🥰🥰

A very artistic, beautiful , gorgeous cover by @swaggie610my i mean LOOK AT THIS OMG I'M BREATHLESS 😍😍😍😍😍💜💜💜

 A soft themed beautiful aesthetic cover by @Rainismee; 😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 Damn Jungkook is really in character here 😍😍😍

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A soft themed beautiful aesthetic cover by @Rainismee
; 😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 Damn Jungkook is really in character here 😍😍😍

A beautiful cover including all the main characters exceptforAprilsmomlikeweaintcomplainingbutiftheoldladygetsawindofthisweallgonebedeadmeat  cuzshegonebeatuswithherbrella😅 And awsome graphics 😍😍😍 by  @_rotten

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A beautiful cover including all the main characters exceptforAprilsmomlikeweaintcomplainingbutiftheoldladygetsawindofthisweallgonebedeadmeat  cuzshegonebeatuswithherbrella😅 And awsome graphics 😍😍😍 by  @_rotten

A beautiful cover including all the main characters exceptforAprilsmomlikeweaintcomplainingbutiftheoldladygetsawindofthisweallgonebedeadmeat  cuzshegonebeatuswithherbrella😅 And awsome graphics 😍😍😍 by  @_rotten

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Like... omg how come you guys are so talented wtf 😍😍😍😍👏👏👏👏

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