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Guess who's here?


"Are you going somewhere?" I asked as i saw Jungkook  get up and wear his coat.

"Isn't that obvious?" He answered without looking at me.

"But... but you have a meeting with Mr. Daniel Kang of Kang Steel in five minutes!" I stood in his front, blocking his way.

"Cancel that, I am going out with my girlfriend"

My mouth fell open and he seemed to be amused with my reaction.

"What? You never expected i would go out with someone?" he asked.

"I thought you were already married"

He bit his lip, a bit disappointed at my not-so-broken reply.

"I don't trust women... thanks to this one girl I met when i was eighteen. But i think this new girl is different. I am considering getting married."

"What should i tell Mr. Kang? He'll be here any minute?" I asked, not interested in his new amorous adventures.

"That's your problem." He replied with a sadistic smirk and left.


"What should i do? Call him? Go to the lobby to receive him, only to send him back? Uh damn you Jeon Jungkook, this one was important..." I kept walking back and forth in his office, trying to think of a solution when I heard a knock on the door.

I jumped up and went to open the door. A guy slightly taller than Jungkook, with light brown hair and soft features met my eyes. He didn't seem to be very pleased with his surroundings or the circumstances that had brought him here.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hello. I am Kang Daniel. I had a meeting with Mr. Jeon?"

"Ah yes. I am so sorry something really urgent came up and he had to leave. Please come inside, I'll arrange for some refreshments..."

He seemed even more annoyed, and looked at his watch to check time. Then he motioned me to lead him inside the office. The two men with him, who were either his bodyguards or assistants, stayed outside.

"So, what exactly was so urgent that he had to leave?" He asked, seating himself in the sofa while I kept standing.

"Um, it was something personal..."

"How did you land here with a person like Jungkook, if you don't mind answering?"

"I... am here on training?"

"Let me guess, he bought the company where you worked too and now, you have to work extra hard to save your job while so many colleagues of yours already lost theirs?"

"Kind of..."

"Predictable. It's his favorite hobby, buying smaller companies, making people unemployed. Too easy to guess. Anyways, i can't trust that receptionist of his anymore. Please give me your number, I would like to confirm it with you next time I have a meeting. If  there was a next time with him, that is"

"My number? Uh, okay."

I gave it to him.

"And i should save it as...?"


"April. What a sweet name"

"Uh, yeah it's my nick though. I'll order some refreshments for you now..."

"No need." He got up " I am as much of a busy man as Jungkook is. Please tell him to keep his attitude in check. He might have lost his head because he accumulated so much wealth in such a short amount of time but he has to know that messing with second or third  generation chaebols is dangerous. It was a pleasure meeting you April," he gave me a once over. " I hope to see you more in future" with that he left.


"Why is he not picking his phone " I kept dialing Jungkook but he wouldn't pick up. It was late already. I cursed him inside my mind as much as i could and collapsed on the sofa. I took my shoes off and rubbed my feet. I hated heels but they had become part of my "dress code".

"I guess i'll just wait for you here," I pulled my feet up and made myself comfortable. A mistake, because next minute I my eyes closed shut and I conveniently became a part of the dreaming realms.

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