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The same scene, repeating for i don't know which time in my head.

"Jungkook!" I shouted as i jumped up. I looked around and found myself on the same sofa in his office. He was seated at his chair, looking with an eyebrow raised at me. I looked down at my lap and there was his coat, he had probably used it to cover me. The thought of being in such a vulnerable position while he was here made me uncomfortable. Most of the lights had been switched off, and the office was semi-dark, making me even more aware of the tension between us. 

"How long was I here?" I asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing my eyes and suppressing the urge to yawn.

"I don't know about that, but I arrived two hours ago" He fixed his eyes back on the laptop.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

He didn't answer. God, this guy could drive me mad like anything. I stood up, wearing my heels and started towards the door.

"Stay where you are," he said, still not looking at me. 

"I need to go home"

"It's 2 am, where would you find a cab at this hour?"

"My apartment is at a walking distance from here" 

"Walking is not safe at this hour either"

Why do you care? In your mind I have already fucked with every guy from my city. Why do you care if someone mugs me, rapes me or kills me? I thought bitterly but never said it out loud.

"I can take care of myself"

"What you need to take is a seat. I will finish this in half an hour and then i will drop you off myself"

And how are you better than any of those men out there? You want to hurt me too, only your methods are different. I thought again, but didn't say that either. I silently went back to the sofa and sat down.

"So, what happened, April?" He said without looking up from his laptop. But I had a feeling that he could sense all my movements, the change in my emotions... everything. Like a predator stalking it's prey. "You applied for a loan your firm offered, five times in a row. What was it that you wanted the money so badly for? Wedding? Honeymoon? A trip to some other foreign country where you could play with feelings of some other guy and leave him just like that?"

I never tried to make you fall for me. And all I got out of falling for you was misery. My mind screamed but my lips remained shut.

"So what happened? When finally it was approved, you didn't even draw it? You were thinking about a wedding but your boyfriend dumped you? Come on tell me, I am curious"

"I think it's my personal matter," I replied, looking down at my nails.

"Okay, if you are too ashamed of speaking about your failures I won't bring it up. So pathetic. No wonder you're still single. I guess every guy other than me, can see right through you in the very first meeting"

I swallowed hard. 

Keep insulting me Jeon Jungkook, it's only six months. Do all you can because after that, I will never see this beautiful but evil face of yours because now I know who you truly are. I spent five years thinking that I had wronged you, how dumb of me. So be as cruel to me as you can be and when you're done with me I will at least get my peace of mind and I will never wake up at 3 am shaking and crying about how I left you broken. Break me Jungkook, because it will hurt less when both of us are broken.

"Let's go" He got up and came nearer. He looked down at his coat and stood with his back towards me. I winced internally. Now i had to help him with his coat. I stood up and helped him put it on but the intimacy of that act made my heart race. If i had decided to stay with him five years earlier, would it have been like this everyday? Minus all the negative tension between us? 

My hand touched his shoulder and I quickly drew it back. He turned around, the trace of a smile still on his face. He held my hand and started walking. No one was around outside the office either and the whole building felt eerie.

I looked down at our entwined hands, and then at his expressionless cold face. His hand was so warm, but his heart was so cold. 

We reached his car and soon were on our way. It took less time by the car to reach my apartment so we were there before any words could be exchanged.

"Thank you for the ride" I nodded and got out of his car. He never said anything, just looked straight ahead. A pang of guilt hit me. He had changed from the adorable, sweet guy into the cold and distant man because of me. I was the one responsible for all of this. I had no right to hate him for being the person  I had changed him into.

"Would you like to come inside for... a coffee or something?" I asked through the window.

A mischievous smile lit his face,

"That depends on what that something is"

I rolled my eyes.

"See you tomorrow" I said and started walking up to my apartment. I would never understand how the mind of this guy worked. Never. His car remained there for quite sometime. Even after i had changed and looked out of the window he was there. He probably left only after I had switched off all the lights.

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