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As Jungkook turned around, his eyes traveled from Jimin to Daniel and stopped over me. He was clad in a custom tailored black suit and looked extra good. I could see women of all ages staring openly at him and trying to edge towards him.His gaze on me was intense, I could already feel my cheeks burn. He stared for a while, as if trying to make himself believe, and then he came storming towards us.

"Hey Jungkook guess..." Jimin started, but he was cut off.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I am.. with Daniel..." I tried to explain.

He rubbed his temple, as if annoyed.

"You weren't supposed to come here" he hissed angrily.

"She didn't want to. I asked her" Daniel informed him. Well, not entirely accurate.

"Who the fucking hell do you think you are? Why are you always butting in?" He turned on Daniel, balling his fists at his side.

"I could ask you the same thing!"

"She's my personal assistant! Mine!" he shouted.

"So what? She doesn't belong to you, does she?"

"Hey guys, uh I think people are staring at us.." Jimin tried to calm them down, unable to process what it was about. I couldn't process it either. Exactly what was his problem?

"You shouldn't have come here!"

"Stop treating her like crap Jungkook. You're insulting me and my date and Mr. Bae will hear about this if you don't stop it right now"

Jungkook bit his lip in annoyance and gave me one last desperate look. But what was that I caught in his eyes? Was that... fear?

He walked back and Irene joined him, locking her arm with his. She looked drop dead gorgeous in a peach colored flowy dress. The women as well as the men around them looked jealous, but still had admiration in their eyes for the beautiful, perfect couple.

I will never be a match for her, I thought.

"Irene looks beautiful" I sighed.

"Not more than you" Daniel replied.

"You must be joking right now"

He turned me towards himself, holding my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, just one day and you wouldn't ever doubt yourself again."

He was being genuine, being sincere. I knew that much. But it just didn't reach my heart. I wished Jungkook could see me like that too. I looked down and smiled sadly.

"Thank you Daniel, thank you for everything you did for me although you owned me nothing. I hope I didn't take it for granted"

"I would do everything over and over for you, even if you do take it for granted. You have no idea how... ah I guess I'm getting too cheesy"

"Kind of, haha" I admitted.

"Well, I'll just introduce you to more of my friends then..."

There was clinking of glass and all the voices died down. The spotlight shone on an old, but very dignified and intimidating man, seated in a wheelchair. He was very pale and despite looking quite heavy, he didn't seem very healthy.

"Thank you everyone for attending this event. Most of you must be thinking why we had all of you invited here tonight. Well, as some of you must have guessed, I have a surprise announcement for you guys" his voice was really weak. I could barely make out whatever he was saying.

"He loves giving surprises" Daniel whispered in my ear, but I wasn't listening. I was looking at Jungkook, who was standing with his arm entwined around Irene and once in a while kept giving me nervous glances.

"And the surprise news is... my daughter is getting engaged! With none other than the famous Jeon Jungkook!"



We're near!

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