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I invited Daniel in for a coffee after he took me back to my apartment and he accepted.

I went up to the kitchen and started with my coffee while he seated himself on the couch in the living room.

I took the spot with as much as distance as possible away from him and placed the tray on the table, after letting him pick a mug.

"Jungkook didn't seem too happy when he saw you there..." he said, swirling the contents of the mug for a bit before sipping. It seemed as if he was avoiding any eye contact with me.

"Yeah well, you could say he doesn't like me a lot. What about you, he wasn't exactly nice with you either?" I asked, holding up a plate of cream puffs to him which he examined for a few seconds and then politely declined.

"I'm afraid he doesn't like me too much either. Infact, I was worried maybe it's because of me he was mad at you"

"Oh. Why is that?"

What could he possibly have against a nice and gentle person like Daniel? I couldn't stop myself from wondering out aloud.

"Business things." he said simply.

"I see"

So that's what it was.

Kang steel wasn't very profitable either, and Jungkook was set on buying it. Daniel's father wanted to sell it, and use the money to help him establish a law firm in the U.S, but he didn't want it that way. He wanted to stay in Korea, and take care of the family business.

"Irene seemed friendly though..." I tried to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah, she's a nice girl. Our parents are very close friends."

"She's close to Jungkook too, I guess" came my unnecessary comment.

"Yeah she is. Her father is his mentor, loves him like crazy. What surprises me the most is, why aren't they married officially? Because her father practically treats him like a son."


"Did I say something i shouldn't have?" he looked concerned, after seeing my gloomy expression.

"No it's okay. I already sensed how "close" they are."I said, trying to look at anything but him. I wish my eyes didn't sting in situations like that.

"Sounds like it's bothering you"

"No it's not"

"Really? Well, it's a relief then"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean if it dosn't bother you, your heart doesn't belong to him"

You have no idea, I thought.

"Daniel, I have something to say to you."

"And I'm sure it's something I don't wanna hear, e.g, I can't like you, we're too different, something like that. So it can wait."

"Daniel you don't understand..."

"Let's meet sometime again. This week I have to go to states and get done with a few things, but I'll call you as soon as I get back here" With that he got up and left after saying good bye.

I took the mugs to kitchen and turned on the tv, lying back in the couch and changing the channels absentmindedly.

"Nothing to watch" I was just about to turn it off when I heard a doorbell.

"Who is it?" I asked.No one answered but the bell kept ringing.

"Alright can you just..." I had just opened the door when Jungkook came storming in, pushing me backwards.

"J... Jungkook?" I asked, barely recovered from the shock.


Sorry guys, i couldn't update earlier because i'm really confused about the next chapter as it comes with a TRIGGER WARNING. I've already re-written it like three times, trying to make it less triggering but idk...

Edit: I'm taking down the next chapter because of all the negative comments it's getting and people tagging rape whistle accounts and what not. I'll put it up on my insta since it's the only other sns i hv for now so if u really wanna read that, you can find it there.

Edit: check out this lovely cover for LOHC by bangtansdiadem 😍😘🥰😍

Edit: check out this lovely cover for LOHC by bangtansdiadem 😍😘🥰😍

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