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About last chapter, in case anyone didn't get what happened, please refer to prologue. April puts up a paper with instructions about how to avoid Jungkook during her stay in Seoul. She forgets to put it down and when Jungkook visits her apartment, he looks around and sees that paper. He knows it's about him and he starts thinking that April has lied to him (again). He had started warming up towards her earlier but seeing that paper makes him feel like a fool and so, he turns cold towards her again, this time, even more so because he is frustrated about how he falls for her every time even though (he thinks) she is always lying to him.

Question: Why is Jungkook so cold towards April?

Answer: The reason in simple words is, he thinks she lied to him about her feelings, both in past and present. He thinks he is the only one in love and that makes him hate both himself and her. He already feels like a fool in his own eyes, and he doesn't want April to think the same. He wants to pretend that he doesn't care (although he does). In short, being cold is the only guard he thinks he can put up against her, because he doesn't wanna get hurt again.

I hope i have explained it well enough, but I think a chapter with Jungkook's POV is needed...?

If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask, i'll try to answer them as well :)

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