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"Oh, y/n?" someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a cheerful as usual Irene.

"Hey..." I tried not to make any eye contact.

"What's up?"

Seriously? You steal my man and then ask me what's up?

"I am here to uh..."

"How about a drink?" She asked before i could come up with an excuse to flee. Unable to escape, I just smiled and nodded.

I don't know why I agreed to it, but I decided to have that drink with her anyway. Perhaps I was curious, I wanted to know how her life with him was going on.

I wanted to listen about him. Maybe it was one of my last desperate attempts at a closure.

She led me into the VIP bar and ordered her favorite drinks for both of us.

"So," she said, sipping delicately from the glass "What's going on "

Rich people are the same everywhere, I thought as I observed her. Everything about her reminded me of how she was more suited with that beautiful man than I was. I downed the drink in one go and asked for another.

"I'm just a boring person with a single boring life. But someone has quite the romance going on huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows as I tried to lead the conversation where I wanted it, so I tried the friendly mode. She gave me a questioning look and put the glass down.

"You want to know about Jungkook, don't you?"

"What? Pfft, no!" I waved a hand as if this was the most ridiculous thing in the world and nervously gulped down the drink.

"Even if you don't, I have to tell you" she crossed her hands and looked at me seriously.


"I have known Jungkook for seven years to be exact. We were, and are, good friends. We have supported and helped each other through out. Four years ago, I met Luhan, a Chinese businessman and fell in love with him." she showed me his picture on her phone.

Handsome, but very different from Jungkook

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Handsome, but very different from Jungkook. While Jungkook emitted raw masculinity and lethal sexual attraction, this guy was more like soft, sophisticated and friendly.

"But my father is a politician, and so, he didn't approve of him. I tried my best, but it was useless"

And so you decided to grab my man?

"Luhan and I loved each other, and there was no other way than to just keep it a secret. I married Luhan secretly in China and and an year later, I got a beautiful baby. Somehow, the news reached my father because he had a lot of sources. I brought my baby to Korea in hopes that it will melt his heart, but instead it gave him a heart attack. A very real one. He asked me to file for a divorce right away. I didn't and it gave him the second heart attack"

My mind snapped back to that pamphlet, was that her and Luhan's baby with Jungkook in that theme park?

"So I lied to him that I had divorced Luhan, because his life was equally important to my marriage. He wanted me to get married to a Korean guy, but it wasn't possible for me. No man was ever going to put up a show just to save my father's life and my marriage both at the same time without wanting something for himself i.e either me, or all my father's money. Except for one, Jeon Jungkook. My father loved him, and he loved us. He agreed to get engaged to me, just to save my father's life, and because of our friendship, and in return... asked for nothing. My father still doesn't know that the engagement is fake. He didn't even tell you, which proves how sincere he is as a friend. It was a huge sacrifice on his part, and I'll always owe him for this one."

"But... but he said he loved you..."

"Of course he does. I love him too, but not in the way you're thinking"

"Oh" I was already on my third drink.

"So now that I've told you about us, why don't you tell me what's going on with Daniel?"

"He... proposed me. We..."

"April, Daniel is very attractive and all that. But he has major commitment issues. He develops a sudden obsession with things and people, and then abandons them. You must have noticed how he suddenly disappears for a week or two if you're close enough to him"

So that was the reason for all his trips to the U.S...

"So my guess is, he's trying his best to settle down and is trying to make it quick. But for all we know, it might just be an experiment for him."

Wow, so he was using me as a lab rat. Great.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Jungkook is a very private person, he doesn't say much but I have seen it in his eyes. A burning passion, for you"

"What do you mean?"

"He loves you. And he is leaving"


"He's leaving for somewhere, probably because of this whole Daniel ordeal. He gave me the power of attorney for Jeon Enterprises but didn't tell me where he is leaving for."

"What about your father? Won't he ask about him?"

"My father is in the ICU. He was diagnosed with right sided congestive heart failure. His health is worse than ever, but that's not what you should be worried about"

"But... what should I do?"

"I've given you enough answers for today y/n. You've to figure out the rest on your own. Good luck!" she stood up and left after patting my shoulder.


I hope i cleared most of the stuff. If you have any confusions or questions, i will answer them or clear them in the chapters ahead so feel free to ask.

Because there are only few more chapters to go :')

Also these amazing covers by   burningphoenix95 I'm in love 😍😍😍 Thank you so much love They're so beautiful I just can't :')

Also these amazing covers by   burningphoenix95 I'm in love 😍😍😍 Thank you so much love They're so beautiful I just can't :')

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