Stepping inside

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Jac stood still in the Hall. She didn't move a muscle she just dripped on the stripped wooden flooring whilst Fletch went to get clothes. It was almost as if she was in a trance
He went to her and rubbed up  and down  her arms
"Jac" he said softly . He gently wrapped a towel round her hair turban style "here take these" he offered her the clothes. She looked up at him as if only then noticing he was there
"Thank you" She said flatly. Taking the pile off him
"Here go in the living room and change. I'll get us a drink" he opened the door to the living room and ushered her inside. After closing the curtains and flicking on the lamp he turned and left for the kitchen "sorry" he heard her whisper as he closed the door behind him.
My god he'd never seen Jac like this. She's normally a formidable woman. Taking control of any situation. He felt really uneasy. He desperately wanted to hold her in his arms and find out what was wrong -a small voice in his head wondered how much it had to do with him. He went to the kitchen and went to fill the kettle but then decided she looked like she needed brandy not tea
Jac slowly pealed off her wet clothes and dried herself before putting on Fletch's clothes. She'd even had to take her underwear off.
She buried her nose in the sweatshirt and breathed in. It smelt like him. Oh god it smelt like him. She looked around the room " why have I come here" she thought." What am I doing?"
After towel drying her hair she gathered her wet things and went through to the kitchen. She smiled at Fletch. The first small emotion to cross her face since  she arrived
He returned her smile. She looked beautiful "Let me put those in the dryer" he said raking the clothes and towels off her trying very hard not to notice her underwear or focusing on the fact that she was not wearing anything under his clothes.
Bloody hell he thought "that is hot"

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