He wakes

843 17 7

"Shit" Jac exclaimed pulling out her phone and calling 999. "Ambulance please. Gordon street outside erm number 54" she said looking round
Jac took her coat and laid it over his body.
Oh god she was going to have to tell Evie.
Jac rang the number that had recently rung her phone. Evie picked up immediately
Evie. Don't panic. I found him. I think he's been attacked, I'm going to go with him to hospital. Can you call your grandma to come to look after you. I'll be with him
Is he alright?
He'll be fine Jac told Evie trying to convince herself it was true
The ambulance arrived.
"His GCS is 3. His breathing seems regular enough. I think his left tibia may be broken and he has bruising to his face" Jac reported to the surprise of the paramedics
They arrived in the ED where Fletch was quickly recognised by a number of staff and a couple of them wondered why Jac Naylor had accompanied him.
He went for a CT scan and she waited for the results. His leg was in a cast and the lacerations on his face were cleaned but he had yet to come round. Jac sat next to his bed holding one of his hands. Dawn was just breaking when he started to stir. Jac let out a sob
She stood up and went to kiss him
"Woah Jac, what are you doing?" He moved his head away
She looked horrified. "I...l... you don't remember?"
"remember what?"
Jac gasped and held her hand to her mouth and ran out of the ED
She was sitting on the bench outside when Fletch's mum and his kids came to the doors from the car park.
Evie spotted Jac sitting on the bench crying
"Evie" Fletch had brought his kids to work on more than one occasion so they recognised each other
"How is he?"
"He!s going to be fine physically" Jac choked back a sob "he doesn't remember about me and him you know being more than friends" she blushed
"Oh" said Evie "will his memory come back?"
"I don't know. You go in and see him now he'll be pleased to see you all"
"Thank you for looking after him" said Evie
" if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have been out walking in the dark anyway"
"It's not your fault Jac" Evie smiled and headed into the hospital to see her dad

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