Fight the panic

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They were still in the kitchen drinking tea
"Do you want to stay over"
"Yeah I've just met your mum and now you want me to stay and have my wicked way with you"
"Well let's re visit that at a later date. But really? I stayed at yours last night. She wouldn't mind"
"It's not the same Fletch" she stroked his chest through his t shirt "and besides Emma is coming home tomorrow."
"Ok" he sighed "but you're gonna have to stop doing that"
"Oh, sorry" she said removing her hands
He released a breath he didn't know he'd been holding "you are too sexy for your own good Naylor"
Jac snorted "yeah right. Anyway I'd better be going. I'll call you later"
"Ok babe" Fletch captured her lips with his own and kissed her deeply encircling her waist
"Not fair" Jac said reluctantly pulling away
"I'm fighting fire with fire here" he laughed
"I'm just going to say good bye" said Jac heading for the sitting room
She popped her head round the door and said
"Bye everyone. I'm off now Thank you  for a lovely afternoon"
"Bye love . It was nice meeting you" said Fletch's mum who had Theo asleep on her lap.
"Bye"said the others
"Jac"called Ella " if you had a chance to change your fate, would ya" Ella giggled Jac just laughed back
"What was that Jac?" He said as he walked her to the car
"You really need to watch Brave mate "
"Nah I think I'll leave it as your and Ella's little joke"
"I'll call you later" she said
As Jac drove home she thought about what he'd said about her and Ella sharing a joke. That sounded like he wanted her to be around for a while. It sounded like he wanted her to be part of his family. Jac gulped. She was suddenly aware of her heart pounding, beating fast, her hands were sweating.
She realised that she was panicking about getting close to anyone. She got in the house grabbed a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table. Panicked but no urge to run away from this. It was a brand new feeling for Jac to want work through her panic and actually stick around for something that could make her happy or destroy her. For the first time, she was willing to take the chance. She laughed to herself " Christ Fletch what have you done to me?"
Back at the Fletcher household. He came back into the living room
"So? What do you think?"He beamed
" she seems lovely Adrian" his mum said " she clearly thinks the world of you"
"She's alright. Not sure she's Jacula anymore" Fletch laughed
"I like her daddy. She knows Disney princesses" he hugged his youngest daughter
"Yeah she's cool Dad. Is she gonna stick around?"
" I certainly hope so" he said
" just don't ruin it by, well, doing what you did to mum"
Fletch knew that Evie was aware of his affair that destroyed his marriage.  His face reddened
"You know I'm a changed character babe. I will always regret what I did. I never stopped loving your mum. I haven't had anyone serious since her"
" I know. She does seem to really like you" Evie said
"Yeah" he said happily "I think she does"

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