Wish you were here

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Jac thought she would be lonely at the B and B. She surprised herself by actually interacting with other residents in the evenings. During the days she went for long walks to the places that she remembered. In her memory each day of that holiday had been long hot and sunny. Now in early spring there was a different feel to the place but she loved it. She wanted to bring Fletch here
She took a selfie of herself at the harbour and sent it to Fletch
Wish you were here x
She chuckled to herself. Taking a selfie was so not her
"What are you smiling at?" Evie asked her Dad
" just a message from Jac. She's on holiday"
Evie looked over his shoulder " and she wishes you were there?"
Fletch felt himself blushing "that's just a turn of phrase"
"Dad" Evie fixed him with a hard stare "I'm 15, I'm not stupid. You like her,you're always talking about her. You said yourself you've been through some dark times together. Stuff like that brings people closer Dad"
He and Evie were sitting in the kitchen alone. He looked at the young woman sat opposite him who was still his little girl. She really tried to look out for him , especially since Raf died,
"Evie can you keep a secret?"
"Of course"
"I love her"
"She loves me"
"What? Dad that's brilliant" she got up and put her arms round his neck "so when did this happen, are you together, do people at work know"
He laughed "Hey slow down. She's probably going to kill me for telling even you"
"I won't say anything"
He gave her a cheeky grin "it is pretty great"
"So when?"
"Look no details ok. But the weekend when you were all at grandmas"
"That's just last weekend! Is that why you wanted us out of the way" she joked
"God no. I would never do that" he realised she was joking " oh ha ha very funny. If you must know I was upset because Jac had left for 4 weeks. Just after I had plucked up courage to say to her we needed to talk"
Evie was hanging on his every word " then what?"
"She just left without a word. Grandma thought I needed some time to wallow in my own misery so she offered to look after you for a few nights. Jac turned up soaking wet on the first night so I looked after her and then she spent most of the weekend here"
Evie raised an eyebrow "where did she sleep?"
"Evie! If you must know she slept in your bed.....on the first night" he laughed " I am not having this conversation with my 15 year old daughter"
"Hmm I thought it was strange that you'd changed the bedding when it was just fresh on" Evie smirked. "so what now?"
"I don't know. What do you think ?"
" I think you deserve to be happy Dad. After everything"
He hugged his daughter "I still miss your mum and Raf too. Even if we stay together and get serious Jac will never replace your mum"
"I know Dad but you still deserve to have someone who makes you look like you do when you talk about her"
"Just keep it under your hat for now ok Promise?"

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