She's on to us

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Petrenko did call Fletch later that day.
She entered Jac's office towards the end of the shift. She knew better than to just enter so knocked loudly
"Come in"Jac called. It wasn't the knock that she craved - she had grown to know Fletch's knock and each time she knew it was him she recognised now that she'd experienced a little shiver of excitement
Frieda entered
"I've spoken to Fletch"
"Yes?" Jac said not looking up from her paperwork
"He's hoping to be back end of next week"
"What a relief" Jac said sarcastically
"Wow" Frieda said "at some point you're going to have to stop pretending that you don't care Jac"
"I have no idea what you're talking about"
"Course you don't - it's so obvious Jac"
"I think we're done here Petrenko, please get on with the pre op checks for tomorrow's list.
Frieda left
Jac sat back pinching her nose where her glasses had been and released a breath. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, she thought to herself. However it was quite fun.
Jac left work on time -virtually unheard of and picked Emma up from the crèche then headed straight to school for Ella.
No dramas with Darlene today who seemed to be giving her a wide berth
Jac smirked "still got it Naylor" she said to herself
Ella seemed pleased to see Jac again in the playground and raced over to hug Ella. The girls ran ahead chattering excitedly.
I love this thought Jac "I'm totally screwed"
She tried to tell herself that she was just helping out a friend picking up his daughter whilst he couldn't but she knew deep down it had more significance than that.
They all piled back into Fletch's.
"Tea won't be long" he shouted from the kitchen
Jac appeared in the doorway "you didn't have to make tea" she said moving over and kissing him lightly on the lips
"Not nearly good enough" he said pulling her in for a much deeper kiss which left them both breathless
"Anyway"said Jac regaining her composure " as I was saying you didn't need to cook tea, I was just going to pop in on my way home"
"Aw ms Naylor pleeeeese stay for spag bol. Pretty please"
She laughed "ok ok. Just stop your whining. Can I help?"
"Nope it's all done,just needs to simmer a while and then I'll put the spaghetti on"
Jac took a seat at the kitchen table whilst he loaded the dish washer
"So Frieda rang me today"
"Yes I heard. Was she fishing at all?"
"mmm not really. She asked if  I'd heard from you. Did she say anything to you?"
"She came to tell me that you'd be back next week, I made some sarcastic comment" he raised his eye brows in mock disbelief "I know so unlike me" she giggled "then Petrenko asked when I was going to stop pretending that I didn't care. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. Standard me really"
"Standard old you" he said moving one of the stools so it was right next to hers
"New you is much more agreeable" he laid his hand on her leg, gently stroking her inner thigh. She moaned softly.
"I think she's onto us Fletch but we might be able to have a bit of fun when you get back next week"
"Mmm fun with Jac Naylor"
"Not that kind of fun. Idiot"
After a raucous family tea where they all spoke about their day, Jac gave Emma a 5 minute warning for home time
"Stay" Fletch said
She sighed "Fletch, we've been through this" she said softly
"I know I'm just gonna keep asking until you say yes" he gave her a trademark Fletcher sexy grin
"Come on Emma" she called before she changed her mind
"Bye everyone"
"Bye Jac"
"Bye you" she said to Fletch, then whispered in his ear "I love you" and kissed his neck. It was Fletch's turn to moan softly
"Bye sexy. I love you too"

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