Fletch returns

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The rest of the week carried on in much the same vein.
Jac was slightly worried that they'd slipped into a comfortable family routine.Through necessity at first, with Ella needing to be picked up but then just the norm.
It made her feel uncomfortable, exposed but a small but growing part of her loved it. Wasn't this all she'd ever wanted when she was in care -a stable, loving family home.
Fletch was back at work. His shift started earlier than Jac's so he was already there when she arrived
She breezed down the ward.
"Mr Fletcher - good to see you back" she said curtly "miss Petrenko" she acknowledged Frieda who looked at Fletch, who's gaze was following Jac down the ward and rolled her eyes "Bozhe miy" she muttered
"What?" Fletch asked.
I said "0h my god" Frieda went back to reviewing notes shaking her head
Fletch returned to his office whistling. Half an hour later he grabbed an armful of files and went to Jac's office. Assuming that Frieda would be watching he attempted to look professional as he knocked.
Jac felt her lips curl up a little
"Come in Fletch"
"How did you....how do you... Oh it doesn't matter" he grinned "Hi"
"Hi" she laughed "do you need me to sign those ?" She gestured to the files in his arms
"Nope" he placed them on her desk " not even one"
Jac looked perplexed
"needed to make it look as if I had a reason to come in here other than wanting to say 'hi' and do this" he stooped over her as she sat at her desk and briefly brushed his lips gently against hers.
"That is very unprofessional Adrian" she said kissing him back
He stood up "well I know I'm in trouble now. You only usually call me Adrian when I've really pissed you off"
"Idiot" she smiled "now let me get on"
He left her office to find Frieda standing arms folded, eyebrows raised " you forgot your files"
"They're not urgent , she's gonna sign them later" he lied smoothly.
Frieda knew there was something going on she just couldn't prove it.
At lunch time Fletch texted Jac
Lunch on our bench in 10 x
Jac smiled who is this?
Ha ha. Just be there F xx
Ok xx
"I'm going to sort out a problem with AAU rota then I'm going for lunch " Fletch informed Frieda
Ten minutes later Jac appeared
"I'll be half an hour" offering no explanation Jac left the ward
Once more Frieda rolled her eyes. Those two she thought. Either get together or admit you already are.

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