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"Jackie" someone shouted
Jac and Fletch froze. They both recognised that voice. Becky
"Shit" said Jac said under her breath.
"Shit" echoed Fletch. He expected Jac to snatch her hand away but instead he felt her squeeze his hand. Jac plastered a fake smile on her face at the woman running towards then with 2 kids in tow. It seemed that it was only as she came nearer did she realise who Jac was with. Was holding hands with
"Becky" Jac greeted
"I knew it" she gestured at their entwined hands
She punched Fletch lightly on the arm "you sly dog" then she turned to Jac
"You weren't lying when you said he was spoken for then" she smirked
"Apparently not" said Jac ignoring the confused look on Fletch's face. Becky leant in conspiratorially "buns taste as good as they look?" She whispered and guffawed at Jac's red face.
Suddenly their attention was taken by a commotion by the boating lake.
"0h my god it's one of mine" screamed Becky. Jac and Fletch were already running to the scene. He knew he could rely on Evie to keep an eye on the younger ones at the playground
"Let me through" Jac said in a voice that no one was going to argue with
"Oh my god baby" Becky looked horrified at the lifeless body that had been pulled out of the lake by a passing jogger.
"Ok" said Fletch. "Becky ring for an ambulance - is anyone else injured. Sir are you ok" he said offering his hoodie to the jogger. "Tell them we have someone in shock as well"
Then he knelt down with Jac who was examining the young boy. She turned him on his side to try to get some water out.
"He's not breathing, we need to do CPR" she said calmly but quietly "you take compressions"she said to Fletch
"Could everyone take a step back please" Fletch stated and began working on the boy with Jac
After a few minutes they had a pulse and he began spluttering.
"Recovery position" Jac said continuing to check his pulse
They heard a siren getting nearer "Ok my love, help is on the way" said Jac softly "Becky why don't you come and sit here" Jac said getting up
"Now then young lady" Jac said to Becky's daughter who had been frightenedly watching events "do you want to go to hospital with mummy and your brother or come home with us"
"I don't know. Is he going to die?"
Jac laughed softly "no hun but maybe you should go with them so you can keep an eye on things"
The paramedics then arrived and Jac gave them a brief handover
"Alright mate" said one of the paramedics to Fletch
"Hi Iain"
Iain looked between Jac and Fletch, raised his eyebrows and began attending to his patient.
"I don't know how to thank you both" cried Becky
"No thanks needed" said Fletch. "We just hope he's alright. Let us know"
Jac and Fletch then carried on their evening. Fish and chips and everyone back to Fletch's .
"Well that wasn't how I thought the evening would pan out" said Jac drinking her tea
"You were amazing" he said kissing her temple
"hey you weren't so bad yourself. We make a good team" she flashed him the Naylor full beam smile
"It gets more tempting every time you ask- I'm just not quite ready yet" she pulled him in for a deep kiss
"See if you stayed you could finish what you started"
"Urgh" she huffed
"Ok ok you're worth waiting for. I might have to molest you in the store cupboard though"
"I'll look forward to that Mr Fletcher"
"Hey what did Becky mean about you not lying about me being spoken for"
Jac blushed " I'm sure I told you"
"Well if you did I don't remember. Spill Naylor"
"I may have told Becky that you were spoken for to put her off you. She was going to ask you out" Jac cringed
"Well I'm definitely spoken for now. I was then too but only in my head" he said kissing her
"I couldn't stand the thought of you and her"
"I was too far gone by that point babe. I would have turned her down anyway Jackie"
That earned him a punch in the chest
"Time for us to get off" Jac stood up preparing to extract Emma from the video the kids were watching
"Come on madam"
"aw mummy"
"Yeah Merida" smiled Ella " 10 more minutes pleeeeese"
"Oh go on then" Jac sighed
"Just out of interest Jac. When you offered
to take Becky's daughter home with us. Where did you picture that being" asked Fletch
"Well she didn't come so it doesn't matter does it?"
Jac knew that she had pictured here when she offered to bring the scared little girl home with them

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