Don't call me Jackie

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"Don't change too much I like a challenge"
"Oh don't worry the ice queen hasn't melted just yet. The thing with you Fletch is that I get the impression that you've never been scared of me. There's so many that are. I think that threw me at first. Felt like I was losing my powers"
" but you're just a pussy cat Jackie"
She playfully batted him on the arm. "of all the things people have called me over the years 'Jackie' has got to be one of the worst.i just want to smash Becky's face in when she calls me that"
"Listen Jac I don't know why I didn't find you scary. I was intrigued and amused by your sarcasm a lot of the time. But remember you showed me the chinks in your armour before the shooting which  I know you hated. But I knew you just had to let go a little bit. Lean on someone and that someone was me"
"I'm so used to being strong and not needing anyone. I only told Frieda that I was still in so much pain because she caught me lying on my office floor and I persuaded her to give me the nerve blocking injection . Becky knew that I was in pain because of my gait. Seems the only person who I was able to hide it from was you"
He enveloped her in a tight hug. "I really wish you'd told me Jac. Maybe I could've helped."
"Fletch" She said sitting back and looking in his eyes "you know as well as I do that if you'd known you would have either made me take time off, reported me to Serena or have started clucking around me like a mother hen. I needed to work to get through it all"
"I would've only done those things because I cared so much" he huffed
"I know" she stroked his face "I thought, hoped, you cared and I didn't want to worry you or have you pity me"
"How's the pain now?"
"Well I seem to have battled through the last couple of days" she said cheekily "it's worse if I'm standing for long periods in theatre or on the ward"
"In fairness" Fletch said "you've been lying down a lot of the time since you've been here" he teased
Jac blushed like a schoolgirl "I'm going to make an appointment with a physio that Becky recommended who specialises in this kind of pain"
"That sounds great. Have you fighting fit in no time. Hope you're not gonna dump me when you're back at the top of your game"
Jac grabbed a cushion and bashed it over his head "you do talk some shit Fletcher" he laughed
"Are you staying here again tonight?"

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