I remember the rain

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Jac dropped the sweatshirt off. It felt like severing a vital connection.Evie took it from her and Jac thanked her and scurried back to her car in the rain. She needed to sort herself out, Emma would be back with her in a couple of days and she couldn't let her daughter see her like this. She realised she was sitting crying in her car outside her house. This is not me. Jac Naylor does not sit crying in her own car outside of her own house. But apparently the Jac Naylor who 's life has been blown apart did sit crying in her car.
Fletch was in his room. He spent a lot of time there since coming home. He knew something was missing he just didn't know what. Evie knocked on his door
"Hi Dad"
"Jac just bought this back"
"She was here?"
"Yeah. She was quite upset"
"Evie tell me again what you know"
They had told him the story a number of times but nothing rang any bells with Fletch.
He looked out of the window. "Rain"
he said "it was raining when she turned up"
"Erm I think you did say that she was soaking wet but I don't think me or grandma have mentioned that detail. Dad are you remembering"
He took the sweatshirt and held it to his face and breathed in deeply . "Jac" he said "Evie I remember she told me all about her childhood, all about her sister, the pain from the shooting. That she had planned to leave, I was one of the reasons why she decided to stay. I love her. She loves me. We erm well ....." he was remembering the passion they had shared. Suddenly acutely aware that he was talking to his 15 yr old daughter. Evie sniggered "sounds like you've remembered everything"
"Poor Jac" he said in a distressed voice
"I have to see her "
"Dad it's pouring with rain"
"I have to see her "he repeated hobbling round the bedroom
"Why don't you ring her first"
"Evie I want to see her. I want to hug her and tell her everything will be alright. That's what I do"
"Ok calm down" Evie laughed. He hugged his daughter. He didn't know what had suddenly unlocked these memories. Made his brain recover the connections required. It didn't matter, all that mattered was getting to Jac as soon as possible.
"Urgh I can't drive with this bloody thing " he gestured to the cast on his leg.
It was barely raining now
"I'm going to walk there. I'm ok on my crutches"
"At least take my phone" Evie smiled
He set off on the same route he had taken on the night he was attacked. It felt very different in the daytime.
He thought about Jac all the way there. He wondered how she would react. Her emotions must have been all over the place. He hoped she wasn't going to put her defences back up

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